Brief Introduction
How To Be Successful And Stay Out Of Prison (The “How To” Course On Making Ethical Choices)Description
Within The Next Five Years You Could Remain Stagnant, Become Independently Wealthy, Or End Up In Prison
What determines your future has everything to do with the choices you make.Understanding ethics can do more than help you decipher what is right or wrong. If you understand and apply the laws of ethics, then you can consciously make decisions that will inevitably lead you to become Very Successful.
About Chuck: Ethics in the workplace is a serious matter, but talking about it doesn’t have to be “business as usual.” Chuck Gallagher learned a lesson about ethics, choices and consequences the hard way—but now he shares his experience so that others don’t have to.
You may have seen Chuck on television, or heard him on CNN, CBS or NPR radio programs. His business insights are sought after for his strong position on ethics and ethical leadership. Chuck’s focus is business—but his passion is empowering others. His unique presentations on Business Ethics clearly demonstrate he brings something to the platform that isn’t often found in typical business speakers. Chuck’s personal experience in building businesses and sales teams while leading companies provides a practical and powerful framework for ethical success.
Currently COO of a national company and former Sr. VP of Sales and Marketing for a public company, Chuck may have found a sales niche early on in life selling potholders door to door, or convincing folks to fund a record album of his musical performance at age 16 (and yes those were the days when an album was made of vinyl), but it was the school of hard knocks that provided a fertile training ground for Chuck’s lessons in success. Described as creative, insightful, captivating, and a person that “connects the dots” between behavior, choices and success, Chuck gives his clients what they need to turn concepts into actions and actions into results.
In this course from Bigger-Brains, Chuck brings his uniquely engaging and uniquely enjoyable insights into what causes good people to make bad choices, and how employers can create systems to minimize or prevent ethical lapses in their employees.
- Requirements
- This course assumes you are an employer and want to build a workplace environment which encourages your employees to make ethical choices.