Brief Introduction
Be prepared for the Microsoft MTA 98-361 Software Development Fundamentals Exam with this 1 Stop Q&ADescription
This Practice test course is part of the MTA - Beginner to Certification Ready International Exam Prep Q&A series from a Software Development Instructor with 16+ years experience in successfully getting students certification-ready.
Take your first steps towards becoming a Programmer/Software Developer!
Benefits and Features:
Prepare yourself for the Software Development Fundamentals Exam MTA 98-361 with realistic questions with accurate answers and thorough explanation of each Q&A concept.
The focus of explanations is understanding and insight - understand why answers are correct or incorrect so you are not taken by surprise with unexpected exam questions.
Use this Q&A and approach your exam with confidence, expecting to succeed!
You won't need expensive additional preparation Q&A's.
6 Practice tests with 200+ questions in total.
Each test covers one Exam Objective - ideal for learning per Objective!
For each test you have completed, you can review the answers and study explanations aimed at understanding concepts. Links are also provided for more in-depth information about concepts.
All Exam Objectives are thoroughly covered through questions, answers, explanations and additional study guides and resources:
Understanding Core Programming
Understanding Object-Oriented Programming
Understanding General Software Development
Understanding Web Applications
Understanding Desktop Applications
Understanding Databases
Access to the following downloadable resources and study guides after you have signed up:
How to approach and pass the MTA 98-361 exam - Step-by-step guide. (with Exam tips) - downloadable pdf file loaded with for crucial info on approaching and passing the exam.
In the guide, you will find a recommendation with 7 steps to take to pass the exam:
1. Overview
2. What software to install.
3. How to obtain fundamental knowledge for the MTA 98-361.
4. How to access and use the study guides and other resources.
5. How to use the practice tests.
6. How to book the exam.
7. Exam taking tips.
++Access discount codes +free download links to additional resources, including:
Free Downloadable Objective 1 Study Guide with summaries, explanations, exercises and Review questions
The Objective 1 study guide contains the following: All you need to know about Core programming...
++80 pages with extensive coverage of Knowledge areas and topics, with clear summaries and explanations.
++20+ Coding exercises, starting off by installing and preparing your Development environment, working with built-in types, reference types and date-and time types, implementing decision structures like if-else and switches, operators, loops, recursion and exception handling.
++Review questions for each topic
Huge discounts on the Objective 2-6 study guides.
The Objective 2 study guide contains the following: All you need to know about Object-oriented programming...
++75 pages with extensive coverage of Knowledge areas and topics, with clear summaries and explanations.
++12+ Coding exercises, including creating a class with get and set properties, methods and fields, constructors, working with delegates and events, applying inheritance, polymorphism and encapsulation, new vs override and interfaces.
++Review questions for each topic
The Objective 3 Study guide contains the following: All you need to know about General Software Development - Data structures and sorting algorithms, Application lifecycle management & the SDLC, Software Testing.
The Objective 4 study guide contains all you need to know about Web development - HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, ASP.Net, ASP.Net MVC, web services and web hosting using IIS.
The Objective 5 study guide contains all you need to know about Desktop applications - Console apps, Windows apps, WPF & UWP apps, Windows services.
The Objective 6 study guide contains all you need to know about Databases - Relational database management systems, SQL & T-SQL, DDL, DML, database query methods, database connection methods and working with data in C# and the .Net Framework (Visual Studio).
Links and discount codes to other downloadable guides and documents to assist you in preparing for the exam, e.g.:
Recursion made easy guide.
Data structures and sorting algorithms made easy study guide & snap-sheet for quick revision.
Worksheets to plan your studies
Discounted Access to a downloadable pdf copy of the questions, answers and explanations, with the following benefits:
++Downloadable to any device.
++Study at your own pace, no time limits.
++Easy searches and comparisons of topics.
++Anytime, offline access.
++Not dependent on external servers.
++Format easy for studying purposes: Question, answer options, answer and explanation of each question grouped together.
Enroll now to test your knowledge with this simulated practice test and to access all these amazing additional resources.