Object Oriented Programming with Python 3
- 4.1
Brief Introduction
Master Object Oriented Programming and SOLID Design Principles with Python along with Complete Case Study on EMSDescription
In this course you will understand in detail about Object Oriented Programming with Python. The Students who thinks Object Oriented Programming is very complex to understand and also to code after completing this course I can guarantee that you won't be saying OOPs!.. Object Oriented Programming is complex, instead you feel that you are enjoying APIE.
In this course i have explained in detail about the 4 pillars of Object Oriented Programming in detail with multiple demos to understand the concept better.
The second module of this course will be a complete Case Study on Object Oriented Programming in Python by developing an sample application for Employee Management System.
The Third module of this course will explain the SOLID Design Principles implementation using Python, I have explained Single Responsibility Principle (SRP), Open Closed Principle (OCP), Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP), Interface Segregation Principle (ISP) and Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)
I can guarantee you that you won't be finding a better course to understand and master Object Oriented Programming with Python and also for Understanding SOLID Design Principles with Python.
I hope you will enjoy the journey of learning Object Oriented Programming with Python along with me.
See you in this course.
- Requirements
- Python Programming Fundamentals
- Object Oriented Programming with Python
- What is Class and What are Objects?
- What are Constructors?
- Understand Static and Non-Static
- Understand Data Abstraction and Data Encapsulation
- Understand Inheritance
- Types of Inheritance - Multiple, Multi-Level and Method Resolution Order (MRO)
- Understand Polymorphism
- Understand How to convert Traditional Code to Object Oriented Programming Code
- Understanding Inheritance and Composition in Depth
- Case Study: Object Oriented Programming
- SOLID Design Principles with Python
- Understanding Single Responsibility Principle with Python
- Understanding Open-Closed Principle with Python
- Understanding Liskov Subsititution Principle with Python
- Understanding Interface Segregation Principle with Python
- Understanding Dependency Inversion Principle with Python