Brief Introduction
Practice and Pass 100% OCI Foundation Exam 1Z0-1085 (New)Description
The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Foundations certification is intended for individuals looking to demonstrate fundamental knowledge of public cloud services provided by Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.
Note: These questions will not only help you to clear the exam confidently but also help you to understand the core concept of OCI and add-on to your working knowledge.
Three Practice Tests with overall 60 questions. (Relevant Questions and Answers to help you practice and clear the exam)
Exam Topics:
Describe the key features and components of OCI.
Identify the core OCI service offerings.
Understand OCI security model.
Get to know the OCI compliance structure.
Understand OCI pricing, support model, and operations.
Point not to ignore:
Our questions are not braindumps mainly, they have been curated and are up to date with questions patterns being asked in the exam. People who are experts and have done the exam: they work to get them ready for students to be ready before any attempt.
Our recommendation is to go through pre-requisites as well.
Things To Note (Tips):
When you are booking your OCI exam as an online proctored exam, keep the following things in mind else you might lose time to start your exam and you may not be able to clear your exam.
We are compelled to write this since You have only 15 minutes after your exam scheduled time to complete the verification formality and if you have low bandwidth or any problem, then you have enough time to fix it.
(We recommend this to every student appearing for any OCI Online exam since some who had attempted but stuck not due to knowledge but because the online proctoring process to clear the exam.)
Please make sure to run the pre system check at least 1 hour before your exam or 1 day before.
Better to do pre system check a day before to save time.
The moment you click on Begin Exam button or Run system check, you will download a VU (from PearsonVue) software which is used for the exam. This file is 60 to 80 MB so early you download better it is. (It's one-time activity)
Open the software and it will copy the code from your browser to it (if not manually copy and paste), click next.
Provide your mobile number and click next. (Athr: CloudOps)
SMS will be received, click on the link and take your selfie, upload the ID proof (Make sure to keep it handy).
Take 4 more photos of your location/room as it asks (Front of your Desk, Behind your desk, Left and Right)
Once done, click on the refresh button in VU software opened ion your workstation/laptop.
It will ask you to close any other applications opened including your browser, do it.
If it is pre-system check
it will ask one sample question and then you can end the sample exam,
Once sample test is done, don't wait; open your browser and then re-click your begin exam button and repeat the steps from 4 to 9
Else it will take you directly to your actual exam and you are ready to roll. (Athr: CloudOps)
Make sure no one in the room, no sound from you or anyone else while exam in process. Don't read out loud ;-)
Many students get confused within steps 10 & 11. Since doing the same activity twice leave you to be puzzled.
However one should remember that system pre-check is separate(if already done, then it won't ask you but if ask for it, DO IT) and your actual exam is separate and they both start with the same process of verification and both must be done.
If your system pre-check is failing due to Internet Bandwidth even though you think it should not; try to switch to another internet device.
Now you might have understood the step 1 why it is important.
Wish you all the best!