Brief Introduction
MCQs on various aspects of OEE methodology from various parameters to error discussions etc.Description
Overall equipment effectiveness is an indicator of how effectively a manufacturing operation works compared with its full potential, throughout the time when it is planned to deliver. It identifies the three important areas of Operations i.e. Quality, Production numbers and availability of the plant.
Why you need this exam?
As Operational Excellence professionals or Quality engineers one should validate his/her knowledge on OEE and its working methodology. What are the different approaches towards the OEE program, how can it benefit manufacturing houses, is your knowledge up-to-date on this subject etc.
Exam Composition
The exam will assess you on following:
o Ideal Cycle Time
o OEE Formulae
o The Bog Losses of OEE
o Availability
o Performance
o Quality
o Challenges for OEE Program
Food for Thought
If you think you are a OEE champion after taking course on this subject.
You need to hold on!
Join this exam and self-assess yourself!
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Be Familiar with OEE knowledge which you hold...
May be you need to learn and learn...
Or you can prove your knowledge and expertise by successfully completing this exam.
Both ways, you are in a win-win situation.
Good news: We will be adding more content for example activities to practice tests in the future.
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Certification: Udemy does not provide certification for exams, they only do in the case of Video Courses. But the great news here is, we have empowered our paid students to have a certificate, once they qualify by 80% in the exams. It is a manual process, in which learners our requested to submit evidence of qualification, and apply for the certificate. The certificates are issued at the end of a month.
Value Addition Alerts:
Passing Certification Awarded By Instructor
Road Map for Further Learning
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