Preparing for Non-Traditional Interviews
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Brief Introduction
The Job Search Solution #2Description
The Job Search Solution is the process to get a job!
Learn Tony Beshara's proven system, which has helped more than 100,000 people find a new job.
There are three major reasons people have trouble finding a job. They don't know what to do! They don't know how to do it! They don't do enough of it! A recent survey found that 86% of a group of 15,000 job seekers were resorting to only two activities to find a job...calling a few friends and sending resumes to internet job postings. The Job Search Solution explains exactly what to do for an effective job search well beyond these two fruitless activities. It details exactly how to do all of the right things to land a job, and it helps you manage the process so you do enough of it. It is an intense, systematic, step-by-step process.
In this Course #2
In this section, we will discuss how to prepare for those non-traditional interviews. We will discuss Skype and Video Interviews, the phone interview and also job search in relation to the internet. We will discuss important aspects of the job interview like your body language, voice, and presenting yourself. You will also leave this course with essential questions to end the interview with
- Requirements
- Actively preparing for the job search
- This is #2 of the Job Search Solution, although they do not have to be viewed in order, #1 will help you be successful with the interviewing process.