Brief Introduction
Thriving During a Financial CollapseDescription
We are at a rare and unique juncture in both economic fragility and financial opportunity. As the continuing banking crisis, trade wars and political divide seek to crush modern life, a grass-roots system of trade is beginning to bloom....crypto currency.
This new form of digital currency was born out of the 2008 financial crisis, where banks abused, defrauded and printed their way out of the mess they created. Leaving us to foot the bill. Crypto currency was designed to prevent those behaviors by limiting the supply of currency, thus increasing it's value with the demand for its use.
In the decade since its creation, Wall St. and the banking system has laughed, scolded and even tried to scare people who've lost faith in their rigged game, that cryptos are a "scam".
Today, they're singing a different tune.
World central banks, world governments and Fortune 500 companies are diving in to cryptos head-first.
Through both utility (such as cross border payments) and a store of value to replace gold.
Companies like AT&T, Facebook, Square, Twitter, Starbucks and over 250 other Wall Street firms are meeting the crypto space.
They now see the writing on the wall. If they want to survive a collapsing dollar, something else needs to take it's place that is both secure and easily transferred to create profit. Gold and Silver bars no longer fit the bill.
Learn how you can become one of the elite wealthy while the wealth transfer is happening, not after it's already taken place.
- Requirements
- Being able to recognize that fiat currency has run its due.
- In the list of disasters to prepare for, a financial collapse requires a unique response.