Prosperous Metaphysics Course: How To Manifest Abundance
- 4.8
Brief Introduction
Learn how to attract wealth and good fortune using mind power. The secret of attracting wealth is the right mindset.Description
Over 5,500 raving students. Over 900 five-star reviews!
"Unbelievable shift! Yesterday I didn't even have two nickels to rub together... today I came into EXACTLY $200.00! It was unreal how this happened!" Laura Cancinos
"What an amazing transformation I have had through taking this course. This past Saturday, we received a check in the mail for $250 from our insurance company! On Monday I was contacted by a previous client I had worked with at least a year ago asking for my services and that helped to cover us through the week. I have been reading book after book after book for many years talking about the law of attraction and how to manifest money and also those that talk about being wealthy and everything in between. However, the interaction in this class has really helped to reprogram and retrain my mind." Elysse
This is not a course about how to make more money or how to find your next work-from-home program. This is a course about how to shift your mindset around the issue of money, or lack thereof, and how to use metaphysics and your brain's neuroplasticity to help your brain carve new grooves so that you can freely create a millionaire mindset.
If prosperity consciousness and learning about basic prosperity principles is what you want, this course is for you. The millionaire money mindset can help you release old money blockages. As your money mindset coach I will also teach you how to attract money spiritually, by using your mind power.
You will learn all about money as spiritual energy.
You will learn how to attract money spiritually and how to attract money now.
You will learn how to attract money using mind power and as your money mindset coach I will share with you many law of attraction money stories.
To help you be prosperous in all areas of your life you will also receive money affirmations that work fast! Please note that this is a course-completion bonus that will be sent to all students automatically the moment you have completed the course.
You will also receive my special abundance and prosperity meditation where will take a peek into the next 5 years of your financial story. This is a financial premonition directly from your subconscious, which we will pull to the surface by means of guided visualizations.
You will also receive my special mantra for prosperity and success.
I will share with you several spiritual laws of wealth and abundance and we will cover spiritual reasons for financial problems and money issues.
We will look at the vacuum law of prosperity and how to activate this law.
Some want to know about how religion fits into the area of money, wealth and prosperity and to help you be utterly prosperous in all areas of your life, I will also share with you my special abundance and prosperity prayer.
If you want to transmute negative attitudes, thought patterns and energies around the issue of money, this course is for you.
This metaphysics course is for people who want to clear money blocks. We will do so by means of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and by means of guided visualizations. EFT is an energy healing practice that works wonderfully in conjunction with worries around financial issues.
This metaphysical course is for those who want different attitudes towards money.
We will take a closer look at the rich mindset vs poor mindset and you will learn the secret of wealth attraction.
You will learn about the vacuum law of prosperity that will loosen any blockages you may have around the issue of wealth.
As your money mindset coach I will also teach you wealthy mindset secrets and we'll talk about which chakra attracts money.
I will show you how to attract money instantly.
This course is great for those who want to know how to attract money spiritually.
Perfect for those who want to know how to attract money using mind power.
This metaphysics course is also great for those who are interested in invoking the spirit of money.
For those who are interested in the laws of prosperity and abundance.
This course is ideal for those who are interested in spiritual laws of wealth and abundance.
Great for those who are looking for the spiritual meaning of money.
The perfect course for who are looking for spiritual reasons for financial problems and money issues.
It’s time to take off the lid to your negative money story and break free once and for all from any self-created restrictions that there is never enough, that money is evil and that people who have it must be 'bad.' Instead, set yourself free from any negative thinking patterns so you can create the life that you truly desire to live.
This is a course about the metaphysics of money. These easily understandable concepts taught in this course along with your participation in the exercises for the next 30 days, will shift your energy field around the issue of money – for the better.
If financial freedom is what you want, this course if for you.
This course features plenty of exercises, quizzes, EFT practice sessions, downloadable handouts and you get instructor support if you get stuck. I personally answer student questions 6-7 days a week.
You also get the Udemy life-time guarantee and a course completion certificate. This means you can register right now, reserve your seat and learn at your own pace when it's convenient for you. You have access to all course lectures and can review this course at any time.
"I love this class! Thank you so much. I'm 100% inspired and am taking massive action." Vanessa Jubis
"It almost seems magical that I am seeing more money in my bank account, but really it is just a reflection of my restraint. So instead of nickel and dime-ing myself with little crap I don't need, the money is staying in my wallet and account. And I do feel the attraction growing stronger. The visualization I have now is not about getting more money as it is increasing my capacity for the in and out flowing of money. It's like the banks of my financial river are widening! And this is only the beginning. Can't wait to see what another month from now brings!" Keitan
Keywords: #money, #metaphysics, #spirituality, #wealth, #prosperity, #abundance, #riches, #personal development, #self improvement, #core freedom, #work from home, #internet business, #metaphysics philosophy, #metaphysics examples, #spiritual metaphysics, #metaphysics pdf, #metaphysical definition and examples, #branches of metaphysics, #metaphysical questions, #money affirmations, #money attraction, #how to attract money spiritually, #how to attract wealth and good fortune, #abundance mindset, #wealthy vs rich, #wealth definition, #wealth vs income, #wealth management
- Requirements
- This is NOT a how-to-make-more-money course, this is a metaphysics course about how to shift your thoughts around the issue of not having enough money.
- We will cover basic metaphysical principles in this course, such as the law of attraction, affirmations, energy and more; come with an open mind.
- It helps to have taken EFT Course No. 1 so you are familiar with this energy healing practice; however, it is not necessary.
- Say good-bye to negative opinions about money; never look at money, prosperity and metaphysics the same way!
- Did you know that the LOA (law of attraction) is not the most important Universal law to study when to attracting true wealth? I'll show you why and how.
- Metaphysical reasons why debt feels so heavy on your financial shoulders; and how to release the pressure of financial burdens.
- Simple and quick techniques to using EFT tapping (Emotional Freedom Techniques) to release issues around money.
- Get six different fun, effective and quick financial exercises to perform every day for at least 30 days, all of which help in rewiring your mindset around money from "lack" to "plenty."
- The difference between entrepreneurism and business ownership and where you can put your mind's focus to increase your wealth.
- How to build multiple, generous and passive (residual) streams of income.
- Find out what your personal financial break-even point is (don't worry, it's super easy to learn).
- A complete relationship make-over with money, prosperity and wealth (contains fun exercises).
- How to see and treat money as spiritual energy so it will work for you (rather than you being enslaved to it).
- Once and for all clear the blocks that is keeping prosperity from flowing to you.
- Tools to help you get positive attitudes towards prosperity, wealth and money.
- All about prosperity consciousness and prosperity principles - and how by changing those you change your money story from "lack" to "plenty."
- How to obtain a "rich mindset" vs a "poor mindset" and you will learn the one thing needed to attract true wealth.
- Understand the (vacuum) law of prosperity that will loosen any blockages you may have around the issue of prosperity, money and wealth..
- Understand wealthy mindset secrets about how chakras can help you attract money.