Protists: Evolution and Ecology of Microbial Eukaryotes
- 4.1
Course Summary
This course explores the diverse world of protists, including their evolution, ecology, and importance as microbial eukaryotes. Through lectures, readings, and hands-on activities, students will gain a deep understanding of these fascinating organisms.Key Learning Points
- Learn about the evolution and ecology of protists
- Understand the role protists play in the microbial world
- Explore the diversity of these fascinating organisms
Related Topics for further study
Learning Outcomes
- Understand the diversity and importance of protists
- Gain knowledge of protist ecology and evolution
- Develop skills in identifying and studying protists
Prerequisites or good to have knowledge before taking this course
- Basic knowledge of biology
- Interest in microbiology and protistology
Course Difficulty Level
IntermediateCourse Format
- Online
- Self-paced
- Video lectures
Similar Courses
- Introduction to Microbiology
- Ecology: Ecosystem Dynamics and Conservation
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Notable People in This Field
- Dr. Lynn Margulis
- Dr. Thomas Cavalier-Smith
Related Books
Life on Earth appears to be dominated by higher plants and animals. Yet an immense variety of microbial eukaryotes swarm in the foliage, grass, soil, bogs, ponds, streams, lakes, and oceans. These inconspicuous organisms are flagellates, algae, ciliates, sarcodines, slime molds, apicomplexans. This assemblage is generally termed the protists. Our course is to build a comprehensive picture of protistan diversity. The major steps of eukaryotic evolution will be in focus. By tracking phylogenetic affinities in protistan lineages we will elucidate the major branches on the tree of eukaryotic life.
- Basics
- 1.1 'What protists are'
- 1.2 Nucleus
- 1.3 Classification system
- 1.4 Constructive designs
- 1.5 Habitats
- 1.6 Life cycle
- Supplementary materials: Definition
- Supplementary materials: Cell Biology
- Supplementary materials: Phylogenetic tree
- Supplementary materials: Ecology of protists
- Quiz
- Quiz
- Quiz
- Quiz
- Control test
- Amoeboid protists
- 2.1 Diversity of amoeboid protists
- 2.2 Main structural components of ameboid cell. Mineral skeleton
- 2.3 Ameboid design
- 2.4 Physiology of amoeboid protists
- 2.5 Reproduction and life cycles
- Supplementary materials
- Supplementary materials: Protistan skeletons
- Supplementary materials: Pseudopodia
- Quiz
- Quiz
- Quiz
- Quiz
- Quiz
- Control test
- Flagellates
- 3.1 Flagellates on the phylogenetic tree
- 3.2 Diversity of flagellates
- 3.3 Eukaryotic flagellum
- 3.4 Functions of flagellum
- 3.5 Cell surface
- 3.6 Cytoskeleton and compartments
- 3.7 Feeding: heterotrophs and autotrophs
- 3.8 Reproduction and life cycle
- 3.9 Life cycle of African trypanosomes
- Supplementary materials: Axoneme
- Supplementary materials: Centriole
- Supplementary materials: kDNA
- Supplementary materials: Hydrogenosome
- Supplementary materials: Glycosome
- Supplementary materials: Haptonema
- Supplementary materials: VSG
- Quiz
- Quiz
- Quiz
- Quiz
- Quiz
- Control test
- Apicomplexans
- 4.1 Parasitism and taxonomic diversity of apicomplexans
- 4.2 Morphology
- 4.3 Motility
- 4.4 Eimeria life cycle
- 4.5 Life cycle in Eugregarinida
- 4.6 Life cycle of the malaria pathogen
- Supplementary materials: Apicomplexan morphology
- Supplementary materials
- Quiz
- Quiz
- Quiz
- Control test
- Ciliates
- 5.1 Phylum Ciliophora
- 5.2 Cortical domain
- 5.3 Ciliary locomotion
- 5.4 Differentiation of cilia
- 5.5 Feeding
- 5.6 Extrusomes
- 5.7 Duality of nuclei
- 5.8 Sexual process
- 5.9 Nuclear genome
- Supplementary materials: Morphs and habitats of ciliates
- Supplementary materials
- Supplementary materials
- Supplementary materials: Classification of ciliates
- Quiz
- Quiz
- Quiz
- Control test
- Protists and eukaryotic evolution
- 6.1 Eukaryogenesis
- 6.2 Sexual process and life cycles
- 6.3 Phylogenetic tree of eukaryotes
- 6.4 The single-celled organism: a distinct direction of evolution
- 6.5 Multiple emergence of multicellular organization in eukaryotes
- Supplementary materials: Sexual process
- Supplementary materials: Multicellularity
- Quiz
- Quiz
- Quiz
- Quiz
- Quiz
- Control test
Summary of User Reviews
Learn about the evolution and ecology of microbial eukaryotes with Coursera's Protists course. Users have rated this course highly for its engaging content and knowledgeable instructors.Key Aspect Users Liked About This Course
Instructors are knowledgeable and engagingPros from User Reviews
- Well-structured content
- Engaging lectures and discussions
- Excellent resource for understanding protists and their role in ecosystems
- Course is suitable for both beginner and advanced learners
Cons from User Reviews
- Some users found the pace of the course to be too slow
- Limited opportunities for interaction with instructors
- Course may not be suitable for those without a background in biology or ecology
- Not enough practical applications or examples provided in some sections