Course Summary
In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of Python programming, including variables and data types, control structures, functions, and more. You'll also get hands-on experience with a variety of programming exercises and projects to help solidify your understanding of the material.Key Learning Points
- Learn the basics of Python programming
- Get hands-on experience with programming exercises and projects
- Gain a solid understanding of variables, data types, control structures, functions and more
Related Topics for further study
Learning Outcomes
- A solid understanding of Python programming
- Hands-on experience with programming exercises and projects
- The ability to apply Python programming to real-world situations
Prerequisites or good to have knowledge before taking this course
- Basic computer skills
- No prior programming experience necessary
Course Difficulty Level
BeginnerCourse Format
- Online self-paced course
- Video lectures
- Programming exercises
- Projects
Similar Courses
- Python Programming Essentials
- Python Data Structures
- Python for Everybody
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This course introduces the basics of Python 3, including conditional execution and iteration as control structures, and strings and lists as data structures. You'll program an on-screen Turtle to draw pretty pictures. You'll also learn to draw reference diagrams as a way to reason about program executions, which will help to build up your debugging skills. The course has no prerequisites. It will cover Chapters 1-9 of the textbook "Fundamentals of Python Programming," which is the accompanying text (optional and free) for this course.
- General Introduction
- Introduction to the Specialization
- How to Use the Interactive Textbook
- Getting Started
- Values and Data Types
- Operators and Operands
- Function Calls
- Data Types
- Type Conversion Functions
- Variables
- Statements and Expressions
- More About Statements and Expressions
- Updating Variables
- Hard-Coding
- Input
- Introduction - Objects and Turtle Graphics
- Our First Turtle Program
- Instances: A Herd of Turtles
- Repetition with a For Loop
- More Turtle Methods
- Importing Modules
- Conclusion - Turtle Graphics
- Introduction - Debugging
- Syntax, Runtime, and Semantic Errors
- Know Your Error Messages
- Incremental Programming
- Common Errors
- Conclusion - Debugging
- Syllabus
- Help Us Learn More About You!
- Values and Data Types
- Operators and Operands
- Order of Operations
- Function Calls
- Data Types
- Type Conversion Functions
- Variables
- Variable Names and Keywords
- Choosing the Right Variable Name
- Reassignment
- Statements and Expressions
- Updating Variables
- Hard-Coding
- Input
- Hello Little Turtles!
- Our First Turtle Program
- Instances: A Herd of Turtles
- Object Oriented Concepts
- Repetition with a For Loop
- A Few More Turtle Methods and Observations
- Summary of Turtle Methods
- Importing Modules
- Syntax Errors
- Runtime Errors
- Semantic Errors
- Know Your Error Messages
- Incremental Programming
- Common Errors
- Practice Assignment - Drawing with Turtle
- Optional - What Did You Use to Practice This Week?
- Sequences and Iteration
- Introduction - Sequence Mutation
- Strings
- Lists
- Tuples
- The Index Operator
- The Slice Operator
- Concatenation and Repetition
- Count and Index
- Split and Join
- The For Loop
- The Accumulator Pattern
- The Range Function
- Naming Your Variables in For Loops
- Printing Intermediate Results
- Keeping Track of Your Iterator Variable and Your Iterable
- Introduction: Sequences
- Strings
- Lists
- Tuples
- Index Operator: Working with the Characters of a String and Accessing Elements in a List
- Disambiguating []: Creation vs. Indexing
- Length
- The Slice Operator
- Concatenation and Repetition
- Count and Index
- Splitting and Joining Strings
- Introduction: Iteration
- The for Loop
- Flow of Execution of the for Loop
- Strings and for Loops
- Lists and for Loops
- The Accumulator Pattern and the Range Function
- (Optional) Traversal and the for Loop: By Index
- (Optional) Nested Iteration: Image Processing
- (Optional) The Gory Details: Iterables
- Naming Variables in For Loops
- Printing Intermediate Results
- Keeping Track of Your Iterator Variable and Your Iterable
- Optional - What Did You Use to Practice This Week?
- Booleans and Conditionals
- Boolean Expressions
- Logical Operators
- The in and not in Operators
- Precedence of Operators
- Conditional Execution
- Unary Selection, Nested Conditionals, and Chained Conditionals
- The Accumulator Pattern with Conditionals and Accumulating a Maximum Value
- Intro: What We Can Do with Turtles and Conditionals
- Boolean Values and Boolean Expressions
- Logical Operators
- The in and not in Operators
- Precedence of Operators
- Conditional Execution: Binary Selection
- Omitting the else Clause: Unary Selection
- Nested Conditionals
- Chained Conditionals
- Make a Flow Chart before You Write Your Code
- The Accumulator Pattern with Conditionals
- Accumulating a Maximum Value
- Optional - What Did You Use to Practice This Week?
- Sequence Mutation and Accumulation Patterns
- Introduction - Sequence Mutation
- Mutability
- List Element Deletion
- Objects and References
- Aliasing
- Cloning Lists
- Conclusion - Sequence Mutation
- Introduction - Methods on Lists and Strings
- Methods on Lists
- Append vs. Concatenate
- Non-Mutating Methods on Strings
- String Format Method
- Conclusion - Methods on Lists and Strings
- Introduction - Accumulating Lists and Strings
- The Accumulator Pattern with Lists
- The Accumulator Pattern with Strings
- Conclusion - Accumulating Lists and Strings
- Introduction - Way of the Programmer
- Making Reference Diagrams
- Accumulator Pattern Strategies
- Conclusion - Way of the Programmer
- Introduction - Final Course Assignment
- Introduction: Transforming Sequences
- Mutability
- List Element Deletion
- Objects and References
- Aliasing
- Cloning Lists
- Methods on Lists
- Append vs. Concatenate
- Non-Mutating Methods on Strings
- String Format Method
- The Accumulator Pattern with Lists
- The Accumulator Pattern with Strings
- Accumulator Pattern Strategies
- Don't Mutate A List That You Are Iterating Through
- Course Feedback
- Keep Learning with Michigan Online
Summary of User Reviews
Python Basics is a highly recommended course on Coursera that covers the fundamental concepts of Python programming. Users have praised the course for its engaging content and interactive exercises. The course has received an overwhelmingly positive response from students.Key Aspect Users Liked About This Course
The course is well-structured and easy to follow, making it suitable for beginners.Pros from User Reviews
- Interactive exercises and quizzes keep the course engaging.
- The course covers all the basic concepts of Python programming.
- The instructor is knowledgeable and communicates effectively.
- The course is free to audit and the paid version offers a certificate.
- The course is designed for beginners, so no prior coding experience is required.
Cons from User Reviews
- Some users found the course to be too basic and would have preferred more advanced topics.
- The course does not cover Python libraries and frameworks in depth.
- Some users experienced technical difficulties with the platform.
- The course may not be challenging enough for users with prior coding experience.
- Some users found the course to be too slow-paced.