Python Programming Inside Out. A Total Reference
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Brief Introduction
History and features. Interactive vs Script mode. Lists, Tuples, Strings ,Set. while & for loop. Functions, Oops. GUI.Description
Features. Interactive mode vs Script mode programming. Identity and membership operators, Data Types: Numbers, Lists, Tuples, Strings, Dictionary, Set. Tuples are immutable data types while Lists are mutable. The while loop and for loop. The break and continue statements,The if, elif conditions. Types of arguments like Required Arguments, Keyword arguments, Default Arguments and Variable length Arguments. Functions in Python. The def keyword. Lambda / anonymous functions. Python matrix. Python Comprehensions. List, Dictionary, Set Comprehensions in Python. File handling. Reading and writing to a file. Object Oriented Programming in Python. Python Inheritance. Python Garbage Collection . Encapsulation and Polymorphism in Python. Database applications using MySQL database server. Exceptions in Python. Network programming in Python. Socket programming. Client-server programs. Simple Chat server. Multi threaded programming. Synchronizing and locking threads. Python XML processing. Parsing XML files. GUI programming using Tkinter module. Turtle programming in Python. Python Generators. Python Closures. Closure Definition. Python Decorators. Property in Python.
- Requirements
- Basic High school education is desirable. A good background in Maths and Science is good only , but not necessary. Python is designed for everybody who has a has a basic sense of logic.
- Prior knowledge in any programming language like C, C++, Java etc will be an added advantage. You will see how simple is Python in comparison with all these language.
- Students get an extensive and elaborate discussion of Python programming covering a variety of topics.
- General Introduction, history of Python, Python Features, Functional and structured programming approach, OOPs concept.
- Interactive mode programming using IDLE gui interpreter, Script mode programming using PyCharm IDE etc.
- Python Indentation concept instead of curly braces, Comments in Python, Python Variables, Constants and Literals.
- Python Identity Operators, Python Membership Operators. And numerous example programs from each area discussed.
- Python Data Types : Numbers, Lists, Tuples, Strings, Set, Dictionary etc. Lots of example program to elaborate these topics.
- Elaborate discussions of the functionality associated with each data type like slicing, updating, deleting, removing, looping through etc.
- Immutable data types like Tuples and mutable data type like Lists explained in great detail. Various examples follow in each data types.
- The while loop and for loop explained with the usage of the break and continue statements. Numerous examples discussed.
- The if, elif, etc discussed at length. The Types of Arguments explained well. Like Required Arguments, Keyword Arguments, Default Arguments, and Variable length Arguments .
- Concept of functions in Python. Defining a function using the def keyword explained in detail.
- The concept of Lambda / Anonymous function with numerous example program. The importance of lambda function.
- Python Matrix with examples. Python Comprehensions : Like List comprehension, Dictionary comprehension, set comprehension etc.
- File handling in Python. Reading the contents of file, writing to a file.
- Object Oriented Programming in Python. Overview of OOP terminology. Destroying objects (Garbage collection ) . Class Inheritance .
- Encapsulation in Python. Example programs. Polymorphic functions in Python.
- Database Applications in Python. MySQL server and connection to it through the python driver with examples.
- Exceptions in python. The try-except block . Python Network programming. Socket programming in Python.
- Python Socket vocabulary. Python socket module. Creating server programs and client programs. Creating a simple chat server.
- Multi threaded programming in Python. Threads an overview. Synchronizing and locking threads.
- Python XML processing. Parsing an XML file. SAX and DOM and minidom modules.
- Python GUI programming using Tkinter module. Creating various widgets to be used in GUI programs like label, button, message box etc.
- Turtle programming in Python. Creating numerous shapes like square, spiral, hexagon, star etc.
- Python Generators, Python Closures, Closure definition, Python Decorators, Property in Python. The concept of @property in Python.