Brief Introduction
Optimize your coding skills with Reactive JavaScript ProgrammingDescription
This video is a combination of the following three aspects:
- Introduction to Reactive Programming + Rx in Depth.
- Need for going Reactive, Understanding Event Streams, Getting familiar with APIs, and Building a BMI Calculator App.
- Introduce Rx concepts and similar APIs across many languages, Covering the necessary operators, Examples of Operators and Streams.
- Building a stopwatch app
- Building an Autocomplete search box with Rx.
- Creating operators and performing various operations such as transform, filter, combine, and error handling.
About the Author
I Shriyans Bhatnagar use Rx.js on a daily basis in work, mostly combining it with React and redux. Being a full stack developer, I often find myself using Rx on Node too. Playing around with a few Reactive libraries—RxJs, most.js, and, bacon.js—and Reactive frameworks such as cycle.js, I absolutely love writing functional Reactive code. I am an avid fan of pure functional programming. I have played around with Haskell, elm, and erlang quite a lot and have some experience writing clojureScript. These days I really dig ReasonML (a new interface to OCaml by Facebook).
I started out as a backend engineer writing Ruby applications using rails, but I quickly moved on to using JavaScript for both the backend and frontend. My hobby projects vary from making Node-powered bots using Johnny-Five with the Arduino to machine-learning projects using Python libraries such as Scikit and Tensorflow. But, ultimately, I truly love building user interfaces and providing a good user experience.
- Requirements
- Some knowledge of ES6 is assumed as it is has been around for ~1.5 years now, but the course will initially guide through the ES6 syntax.