Brief Introduction
The way people browse the web is changing quickly - fewer and fewer users access the web at a desk in front of a large monitor with a keyboard and mouse. The web is increasingly being enjoyed on phones, tablets, wearables, TVs and everything in between. By designing a site to be responsive, it will look good and work well no matter what device your users have in front of them. Throughout this course, you'll work through a project creating a home town website that works well on phones, tablets anCourse Summary
Learn the fundamentals of responsive web design, including grid systems, media queries, and responsive typography, in this course from Udacity.Key Learning Points
- Understand the principles of responsive design and how to apply them to your own projects
- Learn how to use grid systems, media queries, and responsive typography
- Explore best practices for building responsive websites and user interfaces
Related Topics for further study
Learning Outcomes
- Understand how to create responsive websites and user interfaces
- Learn how to use grid systems, media queries, and responsive typography
- Implement best practices for building responsive websites
Prerequisites or good to have knowledge before taking this course
- Basic HTML and CSS knowledge
- Familiarity with web design principles
Course Difficulty Level
BeginnerCourse Format
- Online
- Self-paced
- Project-based
Similar Courses
- Web Design Fundamentals
- Front-End Web Developer Nanodegree
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Notable People in This Field
- Ethan Marcotte
- Karen McGrane
Related Books
Learn and practice strategies for developing websites that look great on every device! Made with Google's Pete LePage.Requirements
- You should be comfortable reading and writing HTML and CSS. You should also be able to inspect and modify websites using browser developer tools (we use Google Chrome , but you should be able to accomplish all the tasks in this course with any browser's developer tools). If you are unfamiliar with HTML and CSS, or if feel like you need to brush up on them, start with our Intro to HTML and CSS . You will not need to write JavaScript for this course. See the Technology Requirements for using Udacity.
- Instructor videosLearn by doing exercisesTaught by industry professionals
- lesson 1 Why Responsive Introduction to responsive design with Pete LePage. Why does responsive design work for any device? Remote debugging and emulation in the browser. lesson 2 Starting Small What is the viewport? Learn about sizing the content to the viewport. Touch targets and why they should be large. lesson 3 Building Up How to take advantage of CSS media queries. What is a breakpoint and how to choose one. How to use the CSS flexbox to modify layout. lesson 4 Common Responsive Patterns How to apply the mostly fluid pattern. How to apply the column drop pattern. How to apply layout shifter pattern. lesson 5 Optimizations Using minor break points. How to optimize text layout. How to use responsive tables and strategies for dealing with them.
Summary of User Reviews
Discover the fundamentals of responsive web design in this comprehensive course from Udacity. Students love the engaging and interactive content, and appreciate the real-world examples and hands-on exercises. Overall, this course is highly recommended for anyone looking to improve their web design skills.Key Aspect Users Liked About This Course
The hands-on exercises and real-world examples were particularly helpful for many users.Pros from User Reviews
- Engaging and interactive content
- Real-world examples
- Hands-on exercises
- Comprehensive coverage of responsive web design
- Great for beginners and experienced designers alike
Cons from User Reviews
- Some users found the pace of the course to be too slow
- Not all topics are covered in-depth
- Navigation of the course materials can be confusing at times
- Some users would have liked more opportunities for peer interaction
- Limited support resources available