RestAPI Automation with SoapUI, includes Maven & Jenkins
- 4.4
Brief Introduction
DeepDive RestAPI Testing & Automation with SoapUI||NO CODING Course||Maven with SoapUI||Execute Tests in JENKINSDescription
Hi! Welcome to the Rest API Automation with SoapUI, Beginners Course, the exclusive course you need to get started and master API Automation without the need to write any code.
- Added Maven to execute SoapUI Tests
- Added Jenkins sections to execute and report tests easily:
How to easily install and setup/configure Jenkins in windows.
How to create Jenkins jobs to execute the tests, without need to copy/paste xml files- edit from SoapUI and directly execute tests from Jenkins.
Nowadays there are no projects or applications that don't have a Webservice or REST API services exposed for external applications. Name any company big or small, Google, Twitter, Facebook, youtube … hundreds of companies generate business using API's. The more API's being developed the more API testing job is out there. Without automation the QA team will not be able to completely test the API's. SoapUI is one of the top tools for API testing, be it Rest API or Soap API.
This course will help you master the basics of Rest API testing with SoapUI opensource. You will learn basic to intermediate level SoapUI skills. Most importantly how to write testcases and test steps and verify with assertions. There will be multiple live Testcase writing sessions which will help you in mastering SoapUI easily.
Students aren't required to know anything about SoapUI beforehand - we'll start from the fundamentals, and how to apply them, how to validate the APIs and write Testcases in SoapUI, and finally become a API automation engineer.
Also, there will be no coding involved, so anyone who wants to transition from manual to automation testing or anyone who wants to start a career in testing can take this course.
Enroll now and master the art of API automation with SoapUI and Jenkins! Good Luck!
- No pre-requisites, although familiarity about testing concepts is helpful
- A PC with Internet connection
- Able to install software application in Windows 10
- How to do Rest API Automation with SoapUI
- Testing Webservice API with Opensource SoapUI
- Testcases and test steps writing in SoapUI
- SoapUI with Maven Automation Testing
- About the most popular CI/CD automation tool JENKINS
- How to execute SoapUI tests from Jenkins, with nice HTML formatted test report
- How to install and configure Jenkins in Windows machine easily.
- Integration of SoapUI and Jenkins for API Testing
- Boost your resume with API Automation skills without any coding
- Learn about Rest API methods and Json format
- Know about FREE public Rest API's for testing, prototyping
- About Maven build tool
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Course Overview
- Getting Started: SoapUI Config and Public APIs
- SoapUI Installation and Configuration
- Create/Add RestAPI Project, Add Testcase/Suite and Save
- Free Public API(part1)
- Free Public API(part2)
- HTTP Verbs: Creating Requests-Response in SoapUI
- GET Request
- POST Request
- PUT/Update Request
- DELETE Request
- Validating API with SoapUI Assertions
- Contains And Not-Contains Assertions
- JsonPath Count and Match Assertions
- TestCase and TestSteps in SoapUI
- Adding a Testcase, test steps
- Properties in SoapUI
- More About Properties in SoapUI
- Property Transfer in SoapUI
- Using Run TestCase Test Step in SoapUI
- Live TestCases Writing in SoapUI
- Prepare for writing Testcases
- TC1: Verify Create User
- TC2: Verify Get User using ID
- TC3: Verify duplicate email, and firstname
- Test Execution And Test Reports(Jenkins)
- Adding a Simple Test And Execute it From SoapUI Console
- Jenkins Install and Setup
- Execute SoapUI Tests From Jenkins
- Maven for SoapUI Test Execution
- Section Intro
- Maven Basics
- Installing Maven(windows)
- SoapUI Maven Pom File
- Execute SoapUI Test from Maven
- CI & Automated Testing-Git, Github, Jenkins
- Section Intro
- Git and GitHub Intro
- Git installation & GitHub Account
- Working with Git: Local Cmds
- Working with Git: Remote Cmds
- GitHub repository And push project files
- Jenkins job for running test
- Thank You
- Thank you
- Bonus Session
- Extras(But Important)
- API Headers - Setting Headers from Properties and From API Response Dynamically
- About SoapUI Workspace And Export/Import Project
- Jenkins Plugin for Test Reporting