Brief Introduction
Get your training and prepare for SAP Cloud Platform Integration certificationDescription
Trying to find exam prep that actually works? The SAP Cloud Platform Integration training materials are great! If you have access to SAP Learning Hub. Well, the problem is that most exam prep courses fall short of ‘practical’.
With so much content needed to pass your exam, what can you do to gain confidence and put yourself in the best position to pass with flying colors?
I've got you covered. For multiple years I have been creating practice exams taking you deep into the heart of the actual certification exam. But this is not just about questions. This is about getting an edge on your competition.
Let's take a look at the subject areas and examination outlines of the SAP Cloud Platform Integration (C_CPI_13) certification:
80 questions and a cut score of 68%. This means that you have to answer 55 questions correctly. You can fail 25 questions and still pass.
180 minutes to answer these 80 questions. You usually will not need that much time. Don't feel uncomfortable if you finish earlier.
Next up let's take a closer look at the distribution of the questions:
iFlow Objects | > 12% or more than 10 questions
Security | > 12% or more than 10 questions
Intelligent Enterprise | > 12% or more than 10 questions
Cloud Native Application Development | > 12% or more than 10 questions
Operations and Monitoring | 8% - 12% or 6-10 questions
Introduction to SAP Cloud Platform Integration | < 8% or less than 6 questions
Product Overview | < 8% or less than 6 questions
Basic building blocks | < 8% or less than 6 questions
If you are interested in taking the SAP Activate Project Manager certification exam, but do not have sufficient time to prepare for the actual exam before, then I recommend you to obtain practice questions.