Brief Introduction
C_CPE_12 - Cloud Platform Integration Enterprise ExtensionDescription
SAP Certifications exams can be scary, no matter how prepared and knowledgeable you are. If you want that extra cushion of preparedness for your C_CPE_12 certification, these tests are for you. The questions In these tests are carefully curated from the study materials and actual SAP certification exam experience. If you follow these tests thoroughly and prepare the questions by heart, you should achieve guaranteed success in your certification exam.
80 questions
180 minutes
63% cutoff (roughly 51 questions)
Below is the new C_CPE_12 exam topic weightage:
Cloud Native Application Development | > 12% or more than 10 questions
The Intelligent Enterprise | > 12% or more than 10 questions
Security | 8% - 12% or 6-10 questions
APIs | 8% - 12% or 6-10 questions
In-App extensibility | 8% - 12% or 6-10 questions
SAP Cloud SDK | 8% - 12% or 6-10 questions
Side-by-side extensibility | 8% - 12% or 6-10 questions
In these tests:
You shall get real questions that may and should appear exactly as presented on your certification exam.
You shall get a flavor of how SAP certification exams are structured and how the examinations take place.
Perfectly weighted questionnaires that expose you to all topic areas as suggested in the weightage breakdown.
You shall get crucial insight into the key areas of your SAP recommended study material.
You are presented with 2 tests of 90 marks each. Instead of SAP recommended 3 hours, these tests are roughly set at 2.6 hours to allow yourself to pace better during the actual exams. If you can ace these tests in 2.5 hours, you shall have ample time in hand during the actual exam.
You shall get a large number of unique questions to enlarge your knowledge pool. I have taken special care to ensure questions are as less repeated as possible.
C_CPE_12 Certification Prerequisites:
Some familiarity with SAP Cloud Platform, APIs, and API Hub.
Access to SAP LearningHub to access CP100 and CLD200 content.
Hands-on experience is added bonus.
Exposure towards in-app and side-by-side extensions
Basic understanding of the SAP Cloud architecture.
The above prerequisites are not mandatory but having them can make your journey much smoother and easier.