Brief Introduction
You can view this practice exams as a realistic alternative to paying for hours of tutoring and study at your own phase!Description
These practice exams will prepare you to pass the Series 7 (General Securities Representative). You can view this course as realistic alternative to paying for hours of tutoring and allows you to pause, rewind, and/or repeat concepts as needed.
This Course includes TWO Practice Exams. You will have unlimited attempts.
Duration: 225 minutes
Number of questions Exam 1 : 135 (125 + additional 10 randomly mixed in)
Number of questions Exam 2 : 125
Content Outline:
- Seeks Business for the Broker-Dealer from Customers and Potential Customers (9)
- Opens Accounts after Obtaining and Evaluating Customers’ Financial Profile and Investment Objectives (11)
- Provides Customers with Information about Investments, Makes Suitable Recommendations, Transfers Assets and Maintains Appropriate Records (91)
- Obtains and Verifies Customers’ Purchase and Sales Instructions and Agreements; Processes, Completes, and Confirms Transactions (14)