Brief Introduction
Working with list items, copy list items from one site to another sub-site, use of call HTTP Web service and many more.Description
This course describes the SharePoint custom list & workflow step by step that copies a list item when created, then create a list item to another sub-site. Also, when we update the list item it also updates the corresponding list item to other site. You will also be able to loop through each item in a list and work on that using the workflow.
So, you will be able to create lists in a way that allows SharePoint sub-sites "list to list" data transfer, workflow using Call HTTP Web Service, use of workflow variables, SharePoint app permissions, use of Advanced REST Client to view the results and step by step development of workflow using SharePoint designer 2013.
- Requirements
- SharePoint basic knowledge, e.g. Site, Sub-site, Custom list, columns, workflows
- Basic programming background
- Basic XML/JSON knowledge