SonarSource (Qube, Cloud and Lint) Crash Course
- 3.6
Brief Introduction
750+ Students! Master SonarQube, SonarCloud and SonarLint, All in one!Description
Always have a hard time maintaining Code Quality? Having a hard time getting your developers to maintain the same standards across applications? Always have problems before a release?
Whether you are a Software Architect looking to enforce standards or a developer looking for a one stop shop to manage your entire Devops cycle with configuration you setup, SonarSource has the solution for you!
You will get a quick grasp on SonarSource Products. SonarQube is where you setup your standards, and quality checks, You then run scanners against your code which are compatible with 25+ languages. SonarCloud provides the same service from the Cloud. SonarLint Integrates with your IDE and fixes issues right at the source.
Everything is well documented and separated, so you can find what you need. Assignments and Quizzes will make sure you stay on track and test your knowledge. The course will have a combination of theory and practical examples.
Sign In and Signup for SonarQube. Get Familiar with the User Interface, so it doesn't look like a strange land to you as we continue on our journey. Setup SonarQube on your local machine, whether it's on a Mac/Windows or Linux. We will Install JDK 11.
Architecture and Concepts
Understand the Architecture of SonarQube and the reason we use SonarSource products with the WaterLeak concept.
First Project
The goal is to create a simple project which we can use to test our Sonar Scanner. We will be using Python, for those of you new to python, there are lectures explaining what you need. We run the scanner against our project to check for bugs/vulnerabilities/code smells.
SonarQube Efficiency
Don't be slow, use keyboard shortcuts and get 10x faster. Also, learn about the use of Quality Profiles and Quality Gates.
SonarCloud and CI Integration
Use SonarCloud and Integrate it with the rest of your DevOps Cycle. We demonstrate the integration with Travis CI and Github.
Integrate SonarLint with Eclipse and PyCharm. Integrate it with SonarQube.
- Requirements
- An Internet connection
- A working Computer with either Windows/MacOS or Linux
- A desire to learn and Crush It!
- Elementary knowledge of Unix/Linux can help you, but not needed
- Elementary knowledge of Python/DevOps can help you, but not needed