Spiritual Insights for Businesses, Leaders and Entrepreneurs
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Brief Introduction
Inspirational Insights on Leadership & Management from a Mystic| Create inner stability, balance & increase productivityDescription
A Yogi and Profound Mystic of our times, Sadhguru, effortlessly bridges the so-called gap between the spiritual and the material. Here, he offers his inspirational but delightfully simple perspectives on leadership and its many challenges, including ways to overcome those using subtle, effective methods. His idea of cultivating leadership as an innate, intuitive process does not rely on strategies and techniques, instead creating a pure inner balance and an insightful mind.
All business is done by human beings and the quality of a human being definitely determines the quality of the activity that they perform. 'Spiritual Wisdom for Businesses, Leaders and Entrepreneurs' is designed to bring an inner dimension to leaders in the world, as today the economic leaders have the most significant role to play in the world.
This Course will focus on cultivating leadership as an innate and intuitive process – beyond strategies or techniques. Its guiding principle will be the importance of first managing your own mind, body and emotions, before you can manage external situations and people.
The Aim of this Course is to create leaders who strive to find full expression to their human potential, who are deeply rooted in their inner well-being and are able to operate from a sense of inclusiveness resulting in far superior actions and decisions.
A Glimpse into this Offering:
- Inspirational and delightfully simple perspectives on Leadership and Management
- Subtle but effective methods to deal with the many challenges of Leadership, and innate ways to overcome obstacles.
- How leaders can fulfill their responsibilities joyfully rather than being in misery.
- How you can manage your body, mind and emotions to achieve inner harmony and Yogic-tools to help you with that.
- How to set long-term goals that actually create wellbeing.
- Why being enterprising is a most desirable quality in every capacity and all aspects of life
- Explore with Sadhguru the fundamentals of a friction-free and stress-free business culture.
- Learn what it takes to achieve leadership excellence combined with inner harmony and peace.
- Explore new ideas, introspect your present mode of work-life and absorb the timeless wisdom of a Mystic
- Insights on life from a Self-Realized Master on Work-life Balance, Sustainability, Productivity and much more...
This course is designed to motivate committed entrepreneurs, businessmen and leaders who are keen to invest substantially in themselves, to help them develop an insightful mind, while being rooted in inner stability and balance.
Most importantly, it is an effort to produce leaders who are compassionate and inclusive human beings – people with a larger vision of humanity.
- Requirements
- You will need an Open Mind and a Burning Desire to Improve Yourself.
- Though it would be best to try and imbibe Sadhguru's Profound Insights, it might help if you have a notebook or journal handy to note key points for later application.
- Learn the 3 Essential Qualities You Must Develop in Order to be a Great Leader
- Be led through simple but powerful processes designed to help develop an insightful mind, while being rooted in inner stability and balance.
- Learn why some leaders enjoy continued and ongoing success and how you can too.
- Learn how to effortlessly achieve Work-Life Balance.
- Learn how to handle competition, stress, expectations
- Transform the Way you Think and Feel with Profound Insights from a Mystic
- Learn how to effectively manage people working under you and around you.
- Become a Better Leader by Enhancing your competence and quality of life
- Look at leadership in a fresh and unique wayand Introspect your present mode of business and life.
- Know the immense boost that Spirituality can provide on the fast-track
- And, Get answers to a Wide Variety of Questions you may have had as Leaders and Businessmen