Test automation with Cypress (intermediate)
- 4.2
Brief Introduction
Optimize GUI tests with API callsDescription
Cypress is an open-source framework that allows writing automated tests in an easy, fast, and reliable way, all in JavaScript.
Besides that, Cypress is friendly for developers and QA engineers, and it’s not based on Selenium!
This means that, with Cypress, it’s possible to interact with web applications in ways that were not possible before, and this is exactly what you will learn during this course.
In this course you will learn:
How to set up the application under test (AUT) using Docker
How to set up the test automation project with Cypress
How to create basic GUI (graphical user interface) tests with Cypress
How to create intermediate GUI tests with Cypress (2 pre-conditions)
API testing with Cypress
How to create tests in an optimized way using API calls
How to create tests that interact with the AUT via the operating system level
How to run all tests
Next steps in the journey to learn Cypress
- Requirements
- Requirement: git, node (12.14.1), NPM (6.13.4), and Docker installed on your computer
- Requirement: a computer with at least 2 cores, and 8GB of RAM
- Recommended: basic knowledge of HTML, CSS selectors, JavaScript, Rest APIs, command line, and NPM (node package manager)
- Recommended: Introductory course of test automation from the Talking About Testing school
- Recommended: Basic course of test automation with Cypress from the Talking About Testing school