Brief Introduction
Testing a REST API with Jbehave using Serenity, Maven, Jenkins, Gherkin syntax, acceptance Test, BDD keywords, stepsDescription
In This course you'll learn first the basic of Jbehave:
What is Jbehave?
Why we use it?
What is Serenity?
After that you'll learn how to create an acceptance Test with BDD
Write your first story
Map the story steps to java methods
Run your test
View the Reports
In the third Section of this course, you'll be able to test REST API with Jbehave.
Test the status code of a REST API
Test The Media Type of a REST API
Test The JSON Payload of a REST API
At the end of this course, you'll be able to integrate Jbehave into jenkins.
Install Jenkins
Install the HTML Publisher Plugin
Configure this plugin to see the Serenity Reports
- Requirements
- Basic of Java