The Change Management Curve for Employee Engagement
- 4.3
Brief Introduction
Change is the most difficult part of being a leader because employees are always resistent to change. Engage Employees!Description
Leaders today have a TOUGH job. More so than 20-30 years ago. People were more respectful back then, people needed their job back then. Today, respect has diminished, people don't care as much for their jobs because they hop around, and people really care about themselves more than others in this society.
Change is difficult and one of the biggest reasons it is difficult is that it involves and impacts everyone. It is paramount in change management to make sure those who will experience the greatest impact because of the change are involved in the curve you are making.
WHY Questions:
1. Why is change so difficult?
2. Why is change awareness and strategy mandatory in the fast paced corporate or organizational world you operate in?
3. Why is positive morale necessary inside change management and ability to increase employee engagement?
4. Why is there such a curve in change management?
5. Why is collaboration necessary inside change management and to boost employee engagement?
6. Why is negotiation necessary inside change management?
7. Why is synergy necessary inside change management?
8. Why does fear affect change management so much?
Learning objectives:
1. Understand the complex dynamic of change
2. Have a clear understanding of how morale, negotiation, collaboration, and synergy affects change management.
3. Define fear and its role in change management
4. How to overcome fear inside the change
5. Learn the top 10 dynamics you must understand and integrate into your change culture curve.
#changemanagement #employeeengagement #businesschange #culturedevelopment #business #businessculture #employeeretention
- Requirements
- Have a computer