The Hammer & Chisel Finance Program

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1 hour on-demand video
$ 12.99

Brief Introduction

Turn your finances into an ocean of wealth with this one trick


What's the easiest way to make extra money without working extra hard? The answer is the income coming right in your bank account.

You have more money you can extract from your income than you know what to do with. It's all about optimization. In fact there's one trick that moves your money at a fast and constant rate to create more cash flowing assets. And it's is the key to growing wealth.

And only thing you need to do is move money around. The same way a business has to balance their revenues with their costs to create max profit. Converting your income into multiple streams of income without any extra work is the easiest way to get started.

And it's done with the... The Hammer & Chisel Finance Program. A stress free method and mindset to moving money into wealth building assets.

So I want to ask you:

  • Do you want to raise your credit score to 750 or more?

  • Do you want to crush ALL of your bad debt?

  • Do you want to grow your wealth and other assets to fulfill all your financial goals?

That’s why I want you to show you this unique method. It will  pay off your credit cards, student loans, and other liabilities while you simultaneously build wealth. At a fast and constant rate.

And as long as you have regular income that can keep you alive and content AFTER taxes and necessary expenses, this system will  work for you.

That’s because I’ll show you how to customize this system to control your debt, boost your credit scores and grow your assets all at the same time!

How is this different from other personal finance courses?

Most courses overload you with too much information and ideas, others want you to take on more training, and start other businesses or side hustles you don't have time for.

The Hammer & Chisel Finance Program will only teach ONE thing, ONE idea that you can use to suit your lifestyle. No need for extra work. You just need income from your job to make it work. An income that can keep you alive after taxes and necessary expenses.

What that means is you'll say goodbye to things that don't improve your life. You'll cut out complications and live with financial clarity and drive. There'll be no more buying sh*t you don't need. Instead you'll only buy and invest in things that make you happier, healthier and richer!

Don't believe me?

The Hammer & Chisel Finance Program has helped me:

  • Pay off all $20,400 in credit card debt

  • Boosted my credit score to 780

  • And created a system that allows me to pay ALL my bills ahead of time, grow my savings, and assets with constant payments all from my earned income and even MY EXPENSES.

It's also helped Barry B. from Baltimore pocket extract extra cash from his income to invest and travel to Nicaragua and Colombia.  "It gave me a whole new way to look at money and make it work for me!"

You can also make your income work for you. Remember as long as it can keep you alive after taxes and necessary expenses, you can start growing wealth today. Before I tell you how. Let me tell you why I created this course.

My Why and Motivation Behind The Hammer & Chisel Finance Program

My name’s Kweku Duncan. I’m a personal finance copywriter and Creator of Seek the Greatness, a self-investment blog.

I grew up in Accra, Ghana before I came to the United States at 16.

I was just an average kid that grew up in a happy family. Everything was normal. I went to kindergarten, elementary, and all the way to college.

But to be honest with you, I was a spoiled brat. You could say, I was born with a decent silver spoon in my mouth.

I grew up with a house cook in my family, a driver to take me to and from school, and a househelp to hand wash and fold my clothes whenever I needed.

Almost everything was done for me. So to say I was a spoiled brat was quite the understatement.

I was a real nightmare!

It’s so embarrassing to think about how I yelled at a grown woman for not pairing my socks right. Or how I told my mom to fire the house cook because she didn’t cook spaghetti and meatballs the way I liked.

I can’t even stand thinking about it.

Back then, I didn’t really understand the value of hard work, independence, and I barely appreciated all the nice things most people did for me as a child.

And I definitely didn’t understand the VALUE and PURPOSE of money. It might as well have grown on trees. And that mindset got me into a lot of debt and overspending because I didn't have any discipline and long-term thinking with money

But I changed...

How I Changed My Financial Situation

I dove into the world of personal finance. I devoured books such as The Richest Man in Babylon, I Will Teach You to be Rich, and Rich Dad, Poor Dad. These books shifted me into a different perspective on money and personal growth.

Despite the low moments in my life, despite all the L’s I’ve taken, I’ve also made many strides. I learned how to carry my labor into the future and enjoy the process. And decided to put in all the The Hammer & Chisel Finance Program.

I created a unique system that crushes debt fast and grow my assets all from my earned income and even my expenses.

And I want to share that method with you. And it's pretty simple.

It's one of the plain old secrets the rich have been using to build generations of wealth.

Just keep on reading below...and I’ll show you how.

The Rich Carry Their Wealth Into the Future and Multiply it

Everything Else is Just Noise. If it doesn't help you make money or enjoy your life in the long term. Drop it.

I’m not some out-of-touch millionaire. Or some guy in your news feed standing next to a flashy car. I’m not here to sell you some blueprint that will make you rich overnight.

We’ve seen and heard all those guys before and we are TIRED of them. Most courses overload you with too much information and ideas, others want you to take on more training, and start other businesses or side hustles you don’t have time for. These days everyone wants to be an entrepreneur just to be an entrepreneur. But all that matters is constant legal  income. It doesn’t matter how you get it, whether you’re a business owner or just an employee. What matters is whether you make enough income to invest in other money-making assets.

People might point to these multi-millionaires who have made a lot of money off of investments such as the stock market, real estate, and their marketing.

And then those same multi-millionaires point to us and go like. “Hey I did this. And so can you.”

But it’s not that simple. Nobody has the same path to success.

What you don’t realize is these millionaires didn’t really make their wealth OFF of these investments and their products alone.

They did it with their SKILLS and investing their earned money to make more money

These same millionaires and “gurus” use their flashy marketing and hype to get you to invest in obscure and risky investments like penny stocks, options, and day trading.

Then they take all your money, they go on to invest in boring safe stocks that yield decent returns on their high income after they told you to do something else. See it’s not just about super secret stocks, real estate, sales, and marketing.

It’s about CONSTANT INCOME. Just good old, steady, regular, income. And all you need to do is make it without running yourself into the ground.

Don't get me wrong. Side hustles are great but not if it takes up all your time where you can't even enjoy your money. There's a way to keep your life simple with just one income and use part of it to fund your dreams fast.

What you do with your earned income is all that matters.

And if you’re not growing it to feed your dreams and future, then you’ll have a BIG PROBLEM in the future.

In fact, a 2018 study done by The Spectrem Group, which pulled household of net values between a $100,000 and over $1,000,000...

Found out their biggest value for creating wealth was their savings, compound interest and simple investments such as mutual, index funds and safe dividend paying stocks.

The statement: “A dedicated and regular savings program is something that I consider very important” ranked at 81.91 percent for all 6 to 8 figure net households during the survey.


You need to move money into assets that can grow over time.

Take former Multi-millionaire and NFL player Marshawn Lynch. In 2016, He saved a 100 percent of his of $49.7 million contract in just a simple savings account. He didn’t spend a single penny.

Instead, he decided to live off his checks from his endorsement deals. And he saved and invested a portion of those as well.

But Kweku, I don’t have a multi-million dollar deal or endorsements from Nike! I can’t save a 100 percent of my income!

Yeah, neither can Earl Crawley. A parking lot attendant that CNBC did a special cover story on.

He still built a net-worth of $500,000 from working his $12 per hour job as a parking lot attendant. That’s because he always moved a part of his income, invested in stocks, and reinvested his dividends over the past 44 years.

He was disciplined and frugal with his money. He didn't waste it on any thing that did not improve his  life.

But you don’t have to be on the extreme ends of these income earners. You don’t have to be a multimillionaire or be super frugal just because you have a low-wage job.

You can still make your assets work for you at its peak effectiveness.

And still enjoy ALL the little pleasures in your life. That’s because what I’m about to teach you allows for perfect balance between spending money and stashing your income into prosperity.

But it still requires a shift towards financial discipline and priorities. And I’ve got a sweet method that helps you do just that on Autopilot.

And you can take this skill to consult with other people struggling with their finances as well.

I don’t want you to feel stuck with self-limiting beliefs and really bad financial habits. I don’t want you think:

  • I’ll never be rich

  • I can’t afford it

  • Money isn’t that important

  • I can’t build wealth

  • I’ll never pay off my debts

I want you to see money as a force for good you can control. I want you to treat your savings like a spouse. A spouse that you must love, grow, and nurture.

I want you to see money as an army you can command. I want you to use money as a tool that helps break down obstacles and builds your future. That’s why you need to...

Sign Up For the Hammer and Chisel Finance Program Today

It’s my Personal Finance Course where we’ll go through important financial lessons. They include:

  • The Hammer and Chisel Payment Method

  • The Hammer Payment

  • The Chisel Payment

  • Customize Your Hammer and Chisel Payments

  • Allocate your Hammer and Chisel Payments between Accounts

  • How to Optimize Your Hammer and Chisel Payments

  • A Case Study and a FREE Hammer and Chisel Strategy Video

My Video Course will show you how to:

  • Destroy your minimum payments by at least a 100 percent or more

  • How to pocket extra cash from your bank account even with little money left before payday

  • Maximize the use of your debit card

  • Never miss a payment, so you skyrocket your credit score

  • Take off big chunks out of your high credit balances and student loans until they are completely destroyed

  • Stay ahead of payments or due dates and easily absorb your bills

  • Grow your assets on a constant basis even when you spend

Crush Debt and Stack Cash!

That means you won’t stress as much, you’ll control your money, and still have money left over to do the things you want.

Now, you won’t pay off your debts or become stupid rich overnight.

But I guarantee with this system, you can put your income (that exceeds your expenses by the way) on steroids.

Just imagine how you could coast along and ride your debt... just like a surfer defies monstrous waves by the beach.

You can do it with confidence and without fear.

All you need is to have a reliable source of income and time. You must also be prepared to make mental shifts.

Both in your mindset and finances. Because in order to ride your waves of debt, you need to learn discipline. The Hammer & Chisel Method requires a HUGE mental shift away from keeping up with the Joneses and material things.

If you can’t handle that, then this course IS NOT for you.

I’m not telling you to abstain from the little things or simple pleasures. But this is for people who are too obsessed with getting the latest gadgets or designer clothes.

The Hammer and Chisel Finance Program won’t force you to eat ramen noodles, trap you in the house on weekends or not allow you to buy the things you love from time to time.

However, if you’re struggling with credit card debt and have a high balance. You have to take accountability for why that is.

I have a friend of mine...

Whenever he gets paid, he tends to buy the latest sneakers, electronics, video games, and expensive trips. And he always leaves himself strapped for cash to the next pay day and repeats the cycle all over again. With nothing to show for it.

Do you know anyone else who spends too much money like that? Just like an unsupervised kid coked up on sugar, jumping on a trampoline...

He's having too much RECKLESS fun with his money.

Instead, what The Hammer and Chisel Finance Program does is take you off the trampoline and have you walk on an easy tightrope.

You’ll measure each step you take and concentrate on getting from one financial goal to another.

You’ll become more financially skilled on how you move your money around into assets.

I’ll give you a glimpse of how the Hammer and Chisel Payment Method works. Starting with Hammer and Chisel Payments.

These payments can break down debt and FINALLY grow your savings exponentially.

It’s a great method to use with the Debt Avalanche or Snowball method as well.

The Hammer Payment

With the hammer payment. I’ll show you how to:

  • Take big chunks out your high debt balances

  • Smash your minimum payments by at least 100 percent or more

  • Pay ahead of your due dates and never miss a payment

The Chisel Payment

After that, we have the chisel payment. Here I’ll show you how to pay off debt and grow your assets by just spending your money.

Combine these methods together, the hammer and chisel debt method becomes a devastating combo that obliterates bills, student loans, and minimum credit card payments.

Wouldn’t it feel good to pay off your bills for at least 6 months or more?

And in my video course. I fully break down these payments and show you how to make them work for you. With The Hammer and Chisel Finance Program, You will:

  • Always be paid ahead on your debt

  • Skyrocket your credit score

  • Destroy all bills and monthly payments

  • Stack extra cash from your bank account even when you spend

  • Shift your mindset from scarcity to growth, investments, and prosperity

And all you need is your REGULAR, STEADY, and CONSTANT income that can keep you alive after taxes and necessary expenses.

Why I Made This Course.

58 percent of Americans have less than $1,000 in savings.

And I refuse to let that happen to me.

Knowing what I know now, I made this course because I took saving money for granted. I made this course because I truly understand the power of saving, investing and paying off your debt early.

I made this course because I want people to really live by the passage:

A part of ALL you earn is yours to keep.

Financial anxiety is such a big problem. Financial related stress affects a lot of our lives.

Yet 65 percent of Americans don’t like to discuss financial topics, like their income or debt.

But I believe we should be open and transparent about money. And share more of what we are going through with our friends and family. And that’s definitely something you can share with me.

So if you want a course that helps you control your debt with peace of mind. Then the Hammer and Chisel Finance Program is for you.

  • Implement a system that will take away all the financial anxiety,

  • The stress of missing payments.

  • And the feeling of being controlled by your money.

All you need is regular income that can keep you alive and content even after taxes and your necessary expenses. This is a video course that will put you on the path to Financial Confidence. And all you need is income and time.

Eliminate your debt, control your liabilities, and grow your assets. Nothing could be more important than that and I want you to start today!

So let’s get the Hammer and Chisel out and start smashing your debt. Let’s build up your assets for future wealth and security.

Just imagine what you could do with ZERO credit card or student loan debt.

Imagine what you can do with that extra income that now belongs to you. You’ll be able to grow your savings and assets.

Imagine teaching this program to your children.

A future where your kids grow up without debt or financial worries. And spend their money guilt-free.

I taught this system to my 5-year old niece and with my program she’ll be able to pay for college by herself by the time she turns 16! You can even fulfill more of your financial goals like:

  • Start a business

  • Travel the world or take road trips to wherever you want.

  • Pay for your future kids’ college fund without student loans

  • Make that down payment on a home with the big nice backyard

My Hammer and Chisel Finance Program will help you achieve those milestones.

Sign up Today.

I’ll teach you this unique method of growing money to boost your credit score and grow your assets.I’ll teach you an idea that you can use to share with your friends, family, and consult with businesses.

You’ll gain an incredible amount of value. And what you’ll learn will be worth more than its price. After this online course, you’ll gain a new mindset. You’ll get addicted  to killing your debt and growing your assets.

Because what's the alternative? Are you going to keep wondering why you make good income with nothing to show for it? Are you going to keep letting undisciplined spending get in the way?

Will you keep signing up for courses and get rushed with more ads that want you start a new side hustle or business? Or do you just want to relax with one reliable source of income you can use to build wealth with The Hammer & Chisel Finance Program?

If you're ready. Let’s chip and smash the debt away. Let’s build up the foundations of your financial future for generations to come!

Enroll in The Hammer and Chisel Finance Program today!


  • Requirements
  • Make sure you have regular income that keeps you alive and content AFTER taxes and necessary expenses
  • For Debit Card users
  • Credit Card users with cashback rewards
$ 12.99
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1 hour on-demand video
Kweku Duncan


Kweku Duncan

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