Turn What You Know Into Your Dream Business

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31 mins on-demand video
$ 12.99

Brief Introduction

Match your unique skills, knowledge and abilities to business ideas that fit your strengths.


In this course, drawn from my home business coaching program, individuals work through a series of videos and assignments to identify their own knowledge, skills and strengths.  Using what they learn about themselves, they are then given direction for matching those strengths with possible business ideas that are unique suited to them.  Although this program is ideally suited for those looking to start a small or home based business, the process works for anyone seeking to create their own 'dream' business.


  • Requirements
  • Time to commit to reviewing life experiences in order to identify strengths, skills, knowledge and abilities
  • The ability to download, view and print a .pdf file
$ 12.99
Available now
31 mins on-demand video
Tina Marie Hilton


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