Brief Introduction
Design and develop 2D & 3D games with the Unity game engine. Learn to code in C# while you build advanced games & appsDescription
Welcome to the latest installment of the Unity Master Class, brought to you by the experienced team here at the School of Game Design.
The Unity game engine has revolutionized the game industry making it possible for anyone to develop and publish amazing games, applications, and websites.
This Master Class on Unity covers everything from the absolute basics of the engine, to advanced techniques in level design, character animations, physics, and programing. Making this the perfect course for both new and advanced game developers!
Let’s have a look at the tons of exciting topics you will master by the time you are done with this course.
Getting you started with Unity the right way
If you are totally new to Unity and game development in general, the first section of this course has you covered! We will start things off by introducing you to Unity, the development community, and the many free assets and tools we will be using along the way to make amazing games.
We will make sure you are up and running and perfectly comfortable with the vast Unity user interface, that way you will feel confident as you follow along later in more advanced sections of this series.
Learn to code with the powerful C# programing language
With 40 chapters in this section alone, those of you who are new to programming will learn everything from the absolute basics of code, all the way up to essential coding skills you will need to make advanced interactivity in the apps and games you develop.
Bring everything to life with essential game mechanics
Once you are armed with incredible coding skills, we will jump into some truly powerful game mechanics that you will use in every game you make moving forward. We will cover fundamental concepts like movement, interactions, and triggers… The basic DNA that make up most games. When you are done with this section of the master class you will already have enough game development knowledge to bring complex games to life in no time at all. At this point you will be ready to launch your own game!
Create professional levels with advanced game assets and code!
In this section of this master class we will have you building complex game levels with incredible lighting, animations, interactions, and effects. Giving you real experience on what it’s like to work with professional studio level code and assets.
Students who complete this course will have the skills needed to bring any game they can image to life. So if you are serious about being a game designer, then let’s jump in and together, unlock the power of the Unity game engine.
Latest Section - Start Creating 2D Games without code!
In this latest section we will be taking through designing and developing a fully playable 2D game level without the need to code!
- Requirements
- No prior knowledge necessary! Enjoy!
- Get to know Unity's ecosystem, from downloading the Unity Hub and Unity Engine to exploring unique features and resources to help guide new users
- Learn many C# concepts, like method structures, loops, variables, "if" statements, and arrays
- Get a full grasp the console panel and use problem solving techniques to get comfortable with alerts and errors
- Create player and enemy interactions like hit count and detection radius, as well as player movement and start positioning
- Create collectibles with the ProBuilder and learn the programming needed to equip that object to your player
- Get to know the physics system by setting up collisions and ridgidbody for objects
- Get to know Unity's Cinemachine and learn many elements to working with the camera system from using minimaps to camera follow triggers and more
- learn how to use the terrain system within the 3D Game Kit and with Unity's Terrain Toolbox
- Learn how to program keyboard inputs to control an object's movement and rotation
- get started with the progressive lightmapper and lighting post processing
- Learn basic script anatomy to build and understand syntax and method structures
- Learn how to create a Prefab and create your own instance painter