Web Automation-Selenium-Ruby|E-2-E Cucumber integration-15hr
- 4.6
Brief Introduction
Detailed ruby programming | Bdd with cucumber | Test Unit and Its usage | Automation Framework |Description
Ruby is one of the most popular scripting language for developer as well as testers, and selenium is the most popular tool for web automation.
This course is designed for newbies who are not much familiar to any programming and automation
Here we are going to cover
- almost all basic and advance concepts of Ruby Scripting which are required to work on different automation tool.
Here you will cover
1. Basic concepts like Class, Object, String, Loop and advance concepts like File Handling, working with Excel, Database connectivity etc
2. Selenium web driver basics and advance convepts
3. End to End BDD framework with Selenium, Cucumber and Ruby
After completing this course, you will be very much comfortable to start automation and face automation interviews
- Requirements
- Should have basic understanding of Manual Testing
- Should have basic understanding of Notepad++