Where Should I Start: From Employee to Self-Employed
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Brief Introduction
The Ins and Outs of bookkeeping and taxes for side-hustlers and small business ownersDescription
If you’re trying to understand money, you also need to understand what comes with money: knowledge and resources. As governments around the world enact new laws and regulations about taxes, people that truly understand money know how to save (make) money with taxes. It’s the law of survival: you add a new element to the environment and the organisms within will adapt, adjust, or move to another area to preserve their life. And while taxes will help you preserve your financial life, your goal is not to focus on saving on taxes but on making money.
Once you understand the fundamentals, changing your financial destiny becomes fairly simple to do. Simple doesn’t mean no work. It means that you know what paths you need to take to get to your destination.
Successful, soundness, strong financial disciplines are not optional. For anyone. No matter their age, their income levels, their social status. Financial failure is not an option. It’s not an option to your future self, to your spouse, to your kids, to your co-workers, to your society, to your country, to the world. In any level. Not constantly seeking a solid foundation for your finances will lead to unavoidable pains in your life.
Now it’s your turn to change your family tree. Your family legacy depends on you to continue to increase and become better and better. Use the opportunities that living in the 21st century gives you, and build a bridge today to cross over the gap between you current self and your richer future self.
- Requirements
- Thinking of starting a business on the side
- Already have a side-hustle