YouTube Ads Mastery ft. The Triple Threat Strategy

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6 hours on-demand video
$ 12.99

Brief Introduction

Acquire new leads, convert them into customers, and maximize their lifetime value by following this 3 part strategy!


Facebook and Instagram's news feed ads capacity is MAXED OUT!

That's right, there are more businesses trying to place ads in the news feed than placements available!

This means, to get premium ad real estate, you're going to need to pay premium prices… and, who wants to do that?!

No one.

YouTube, on the other hand, still has a TON of space available!

I recently launched a YouTube ad campaign that was getting 30+ second long views for only $0.01 each!

While that same ad, targeting the same audience (it was a retargeting ad), cost $0.10 per each 3 second view on Facebook!

10 cents on Facebook for a 3 second view vs. 1 cent on YouTube for a 30 second view!

Hopefully this simple comparison shows you why you NEED to be advertising on YouTube too!

Now, of course, you can't just slap a video ad on YouTube and expect it to work miracles for you…

You still need a strategy and a game plan.

You'll still need to bring people through the customer journey…

Step #1, make people aware.

Aware of the problem. Aware of the solution. Aware of you and your business.

Step #2, help people evaluate the best option.

Give people the info they need in order to make an informed decision.

Step #3, see if those people are ready to buy.

This should be easy if you've correctly performed the first two steps…

Simply make them a great offer.

This natural progression WILL increase conversions…

And, it's EXACTLY what you'll learn in this course!


  • Requirements
  • A marketing/advertising budget. It doesn't need to be big … $10-$15/day is enough to start and get the data you need … but, you need to be prepared to spend some money on advertising. After all, it is a course on YouTube ads ?
  • A computer, the Internet, and accounts on YouTube, Google Ads, and Google Analytics.
$ 12.99
Available now
6 hours on-demand video
Nathan Williams


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