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Nutrition and Cancer
by Ellen Kampman , Fränzel van Duijnhoven , Dieuwertje Kok- 0.0
5 Weeks
Cancer has overtaken cardiovascular disease (CVD) as the leading cause of death in many parts of the world. It causes one in eight deaths worldwide. Global trends show that the majority of all cancer deaths occur in the low- and middle-income countries. Yet, cancer can be partly prevented and many of these deaths can be avoided....
Nutrition and Health: Food Safety
by Ivonne M.C.M. Rietjens , Marcel H. Zwietering , Martine Reij , Jochem Louisse- 0.0
8 Weeks
Learn about bacteria, pesticides and health hazards present in food. This free online course is offered as a MOOC which means that you can study at your own pace, at your own time and anywhere you want. Everyday reports of food scandals and recalls are published. Many consumers worry about the conflicting and confusing messages about food hazards....
Nutrition and Cancer
by Ellen Kampman , Fränzel van Duijnhoven , Dieuwertje Kok- 0.0
5 Weeks
Cancer has overtaken cardiovascular disease (CVD) as the leading cause of death in many parts of the world. It causes one in eight deaths worldwide. Global trends show that the majority of all cancer deaths occur in the low- and middle-income countries. Yet, cancer can be partly prevented and many of these deaths can be avoided....
Nutrition and Health: Food Safety
by Ivonne M.C.M. Rietjens , Marcel H. Zwietering , Martine Reij , Jochem Louisse- 0.0
8 Weeks
Learn about bacteria, pesticides and health hazards present in food. This online course is offered as a MOOC which means that you can study at your own pace, at your own time and anywhere you want. Everyday reports of food scandals and recalls are published. One day it’s scary bacteria in meat, and another day it’s dangerous pesticides in fruits....
Food and Nutrition Security in Urbanizing Landscapes
by Lotte Roosendaal , Nistia Sekar Ningati , Tossa Harding- 0.0
4 Weeks
Our landscapes are urbanizing, which has a serious impact on food and nutrition. Learn to look beyond the sectoral and administrative boundaries of your work and see how the rural and the urban connect around food. Join Wageningen University & Research and start creating food and nutrition security (“FNS”) in your landscape....
FlashDiet: Aprende a comer sano
by Purificación García Segovia , Mª Jesús Pagán Moreno , Cruz Martínez Rosillo , José Miguel Soriano del Castillo- 0.0
5 Weeks
En este curso aprenderás las bases de la nutrición humana y la alimentación sana como herramientas para llevar una vida saludable. ¿Estás interesado en aprender a comer de forma equilibrada y llevar una vida sana? En este curso aprenderás las bases de la nutrición humana y la alimentación sana como herramientas para llevar una vida saludable....
De la granja a la mesa: La seguridad alimentaria en la Unión Europea
by Ángel Menéndez Rexach , Juan Antonio Chinchilla Peinado , Ana De Marcos Fernández , Mónica Domínguez Martín- 0.0
6 Weeks
¿Es segura la comida que ingerimos? ¿Pueden volver a producirse situaciones como la crisis de las vacas locas o la crisis de los pepinos en la Unión Europea? En este MOOC analizaremos la regulación del Derecho de la UE para conseguir tal objetivo. No se requiere conocimiento jurídico previo alguno. Cómo garantiza la industria alimentaria la seguridad de nuestros alimentos...
身边的营养学 | Nutrition Around You
by 许雅君 教授 | Ya-jun Xu- 0.0
4 Weeks
以生活中常见案例为载体,介绍维持人类健康的各种营养素的特点、生理功能、食物来源以及与疾病的关系,帮助学生树立科学的饮食观念。 Based on common cases in daily life, this introductory course provides an overview of the principles of nutritional sciences. You will learn about the features, physiological functions, and food sources of nutrients. 课程介绍视频可以访问这里。 欢迎选修北京大学医学部MOOC课程“身边的营养学”。 点击上方绿色按钮报名。 营养学是一门探讨人们在饮食生活实践中如何得到完满实现的理论、措施和方法的学科。营养学的发展与生命科学及社会意识形态的发展息息相关,随着人民群众对健康关注的日益增多,营养学也走进了每个人的生活。 在 这门“身边的营养学”网上课程中,我们将向您系统地讲授营养学的主要概念及方法。课程内容从营养学的基础开始,循序渐进,围绕蛋白质、脂类、碳水化合物、 膳食纤维、维生素、矿物质和水等几大营养素的特性和生理功能展开。进一步地,我们会利用生活中的实际案例,和您分享各类营养素的适宜摄入量、食物来源及与 常见慢性病的关系,教会您如何在全面理解各类食品的营养价值的基础上,将营养学基础知识与机体健康紧密结合,理论联系实际,解决生活中的实际膳食问题。 希望同学们通过本课程的学习,能够掌握营养学的基础知识及方法,了解膳食结构与健康及常见慢性病之间的关系,在改善自身营养状况和健康水平的同时,也能惠及身边的人,并为后续的研究和学习打下坚实的基础。 我们的课程主共有7周课,每周有两个时长为15~20分钟的课程视频,每一节课后有作业。学习者每周在此课程的投入时间需要1~2小时。 课程进行期间,助教组将于本课论坛开放学术讨论区与教务讨论区,供大家提出疑问,发表见解。教师和助教参与论坛活动安排:每周六晚上7~9点在线,欢迎大家积极参与。 本课程需要准备专门的教材么? 不需要。本课程没有专门的教材,主要参考书目有:孙长颢主编的《营养与食品卫生学(第7版)》(人民卫生出版社)和李勇主编的《营养与食品卫生学》(北京大学医学出版社),感兴趣的同学可以参阅。另外,每节课后教师会给出针对当节课内容的参考资料,包括参考书、参考文献、参考网站以及视听材料,等。 关于本课程的考核方式 本课程每次课后会有作业。作业占总成绩50%(包括7次每周练习成绩和1次同学互评成绩),期末考核占总成绩50%。另外认真思考,积极参与论坛讨论,表现突出者,会结合表现给予1~5%成绩的奖励加分。本课程达到60%的成绩即为合格,由任课教师签发北大统一的课程结业证书。 点击上方绿色按钮报名。 介绍维持人类健康的各种营养素的特点 生理功能...
Fitness corporativo
by María Aurora Porrua Ardura , Carlos Alberto Rubi Morales- 0.0
4 Weeks
Toma el control de tu vida y aprende a abatir el sedentarismo y los problemas de salud vinculados a la era industrial para construir una cultura de salud en tu vida personal y profesional. ¿Quién tiene tiempo para hacer ejercicio hoy en día? Cómo ser laboralmente más productivo a través de una cultura fitness y ejercicio físico....
Top Online Courses and Specializations | Coursera
- 0.0
Find Courses and Specializations from top universities like Yale, Michigan, Stanford, and leading companies like Google and IBM. Join Coursera for free and transform your career with degrees, certificates, Specializations, & MOOCs in data science, computer science, business, and dozens of other topics....
Coursera | Online Courses & Credentials From Top Educators. Join for Free
- 0.0
Learn online and earn valuable credentials from top universities like Yale, Michigan, Stanford, and leading companies like Google and IBM. Join Coursera for free and transform your career with degrees, certificates, Specializations, & MOOCs in data science, computer science, business, and dozens of other topics....