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Boost Your Productivity: Adapt, Improve, Do!
by Doru Catana- 4.5
1 hour on-demand video
Get increased productivity with a boost in willpower, habits, motivation, goal setting and decision making process. Look, I'll cut the small talk. This short one hour productivity course will help you deal with your inner brakes that stop you from achieving your goals. There's nobody blocking you more from achieving your goals than yourself....
Performance Parent
- 0.0
Help your child gain grit, resilience, make better decisions, and find joy. Sports hold the opportunity for our children to learn many of lifes lessons. These lessons come from the process of learning the sport and growing in the sport. We have to let our children walk through the process....
The Secrets of Communication _ Speakology Series
- 0.0
Inspired by "Principles of Conversation" from Heartfulness This particular 3 day unique session on Speakology focuses on voice and sound, the need to maintain harmony with our inner self, and to ensure our voice is unaffected by negative emotions. It is based on a simple ancient article written long ago which has been interpreted to our existence today....
Freedom In Forgiveness
- 0.0
Forgiving others - What is true forgiveness? Make the world that you live in a better place. Ways to absolute forgiveness This is 10-part video upgrade to ebook Freedom In Forgiveness. Once you understand the process of forgiveness, it’s time for you to use it to make the world that you live in a better place....
Successful job interview preparation (for introverts)
- 0.0
How you can STAND OUT during your job search and make a lasting impression during the job interview This course is all about how you can prepare for a job interview in the most effective way possible....
Personal Liberation NoNparticipant
- 0.0
Neither Oppressor or Oppressed We are all oppressed, in this course you will learn how to recognize the oppressors in your life (even yourself) and take action to end or minimize oppression. You will learn the tools and tactics of oppression, the foundations of oppression, and methods to address them which lead to personal liberation, transformation, and freedom!...
5 Things You Can Learn In A Storm
- 0.0
Introduction If you have been walking this life for any length of time, you are well acquainted with what we call storms. Storms are those times when everything seems to be in turmoil and out of our immediate control. I have been hearing a lot lately about people who are going through something....
Overcoming Offense and Unforgiveness
- 0.0
Experience True Freedom, Joy, and Restoration through the Power of Forgiveness Let's face it. We have all been offended by someone in life. The question is, have you forgiven those who offended you or are you still holding on to past? Many people do not want to admit that they have offense in their hearts....
God's Plan of Happiness
- 0.0
Where did you come from, Why are you here, and Where will you go when this life is over. In this course, I will share with you my personal beliefs about why we are here on earth, what our purpose is, and where we will go once our turn on earth is over....
Technology and Social Media orientation for Businessman
- 0.0
Technology and Social Media orientation for Businessman My name is Rehan Allahwala. I am in the field of technology for 30 years and make my living in the same field. I have been working as a volunteer to eradicate poverty from Pakistan since 2010. With social media, we convey our thoughts to millions of people in seconds....