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Photography For Beginners: Master Camera Settings
by Ben Taylor- 5
1 hour on-demand video
Learn Camera Settings, The Most Important Part Of Photography You Need To Know. Photography For Beginners: If your learning photography, you must learn camera settings, this is the most important part of your photography journey....
Lenses 101: How to Choose a Focal Length
by Indeana Underhill- 4
36 mins on-demand video
A progressive guide from beginner to advanced on how to choose your next lens. This class was made to help you purchase and use the right lenses for your own personal photography. What decisions go into choosing the right focal length for your image? How does compression and distortion work and on what is it most apparent?...
How To Capture Emotion With Lifestyle Photography
by Danielle Rangel- 3.7
36 mins on-demand video
The Complete Photography Guide Hello, I'm Danielle! I wanted to create a course on how to capture the emotion of your clients through a photography lens. In this course, you will learn the basics of setting up your DSLR camera, Kelvin mode, in-home studio talk and a complete step by step dark and moody photoshop editing tutorial....
Astrophotography: Planetary Imaging Workshop with Mars!
by Sundog Education by Frank Kane- 4.5
1 hour on-demand video
Get hands-on with FireCapture, Autostakkert, Registax and Photoshop to produce a sharp image of Mars, using real data! Welcome to Planetary Imaging 101: Processing Mars! My name is Frank Kane, and I've spent years refining the art of planetary astrophotography. Finding good information on how to do it properly can be challenging....
Learn Aperture: Creating Bokeh & Blur to Style Your Photos
by Indeana Underhill- 4.8
1 hour on-demand video
A beginner's introduction into the world of blur and depth of field. Once you have the principles of photography in mind, it's important to learn how we can apply the theory to our own work. But, how do we create it and how do we style it? Like everything else from lighting to composition, choices are made....
Film Photography: Shoot Your First Roll Of 35mm Film
by Kyle McDougall- 4
40 mins on-demand video
Everything you need to know to create photographs using film In today's digital-focused photography world, shooting on film provides both an experience and unique quality that can't be replicated. It's a process that will absolutely make you a better photographer, regardless of what level you're currently at. Shoot Your First Roll Of 35mm Film...
35mm Film Photography For Beginners
by David Miller- 4.5
40 mins on-demand video
Working With Analogue Film Before there was digital photography, 35mm film ruled the imaging landscape. We had 24 to 36 frames per roll of film to express ourselves creatively and capture moments. In the modern era, there are tons of analogue film options available that allow for unique and authentic-feeling experiences that evoke a strong, personal style of photography....
Night Videography Learn to Shoot Stunning Videos in lowlight
by Greg Hung- 2.3
2.5 hours on-demand video
Learn to level up your Nightlife Videos and Photography and gain a competitive Edge This course is designed to help improve your ability to capture nightlife photography and videography especially when it comes to capturing nightclub videos and photos at bars, lounges, on the streets of travel destinations, and even amazing sunset views with a drone....
Beginners Photography - Getting Off "Auto"
by Rachel Sinclair- 4.8
38 mins on-demand video
Amazing new techniques to learn photography essentials in just ONE hour! Easy to follow tutorials you can do at home These tutorials have been made with complete beginners in mind, so they are easy to follow and each tutorial comes with an instruction card so you can follow along with your own camera....
Earn Money From Shutter Stock to Sell Photo's
by Ahmed Ali- 1.5
33 mins on-demand video
Start Selling Today On Shutter Stock Ability to take photographs that sell well online. You will learn what the characteristics of a good stock photograph are. The ability to submit photographs to one of the world's biggest stock photography websites, namely: Shutterstock. Photographs in such a way that they stand a great chance of being accepted as stock....