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Learn Professional Web Development Skills From Scratch -2019
by Bluelime Learning Solutions- 3.9
32 hours on-demand video
Gain Practical skills to become a web developer An app or a web service can have two broad parts: the frontend and the backend. The roles of these parts can be guessed from their names. The frontend is the part that you can “see”. It is the part that lets you interact with the app or service....
WhatsApp Chat App with PHP, MySQL, Javascript, Bootstrap 4
by Coding Cafe- 4.3
5 hours on-demand video
PHP Chat Application Projects in PHP and MySQL - Facebook Messenger Chat App - Dynamic Website WhatsApp Clone Project In this series we will create web chat application using php mysql , javascript , bootstrap 4 , html 5 css3. In this course you will learn everything in details....
Build Enterprise Applications with Angular 2 (and Angular 4)
by Mosh Hamedani- 4.9
9.5 hours on-demand video
Firebase, Authentication, Ionic, Integration with ASP. NET Core, Performance Optimization, Redux and Unit Testing So, have you mastered the fundamentals of Angular 2 (and higher) and are hungry for more? You've come to the right place. By the end of watching this course, you'll be able to Build real-time apps with Angular and FirebaseBuild mobile apps with Angular and Ionic 2Integrate your Angular apps with ASP....
Get Started with Web Development By Building Games
by CS PRO- 4.5
3.5 hours on-demand video
Build Games and Learn HTML5, CSS3, Canvas, Javascript and Loader Learn HTML5, CSS3, Javascript Module Pattern with Publishing and Subscribing message communication by creating a multiplayer Game on Your Own Browser. Game would be Real-Time, Scalable with Data Stream Network which is present and future of app development. Join us for the awesome course and learn Hands-On....
WebAssembly Beginner to Advanced 2020
by Krisztián Sala- 4
3 hours on-demand video
Boost your web applications and run native code on the web with WebAssembly, Emscripten, Qt and more In this course you will learn what WebAssembly is, how can you use it and benefit from its capabilities. You will learn: To compile your C/C++ code to the WebAssembly binary format (wasm) using online compilers, and after this, the Emscripten toolkit locally....
Creative CSS and Javascript Effects and Animation
by Md Irshad Ansari- 4.5
1.5 hours on-demand video
Awesome Website Background Animation Effects using CSS & Vanilla Javascript In this course i'll teach you how to make awesome and creative banner animation and parallax effects using CSS & Javascript. and many more cool stuff....
Responsive Web & Mobile Development in HTML,CSS & Javascript
by QAEversity .- 3.4
2.5 hours on-demand video
Create interactive and responsive web/hybrid mobile apps for android and ios using HTML, CSS and Javascript Course was last updated on: 04/28/2018, Udemy's Best in Web Development/Javascript! Over 15,000 students enrolled worldwide and still counting! A Jump-start to Responsive Web and Mobile App Design with HTML, CSS and Javascript. HTML and Javascript is built on PHP and MySQL....
The Essential Web Developer Course - Build 12 Websites
by Robert Kanaat- 4.5
13 hours on-demand video
From an absolute beginner, to a certified Web developer, this course will teach you the ABCs of Web development. Ready to go from a complete beginner to an advanced Web developer in the matter of weeks? Want to earn more money or quit your full time job, becoming a seasoned Web developer in the process?...
by Mohamed Hosny- 4.5
4 hours on-demand video
Learn how to startup APACHE, MYSQL, and PHP on a local PC, and use these technologies for building a dynamic website. This course describes how to install and configure Apache HTTP Server, MySQL database server, and PHP, known collectively as the AMP stack, on a local development computer. There is a lot to cover, let's jump inside....
Complete Web Developer Course HTML CSS JavaScript PHP jQuery
by Laurence Svekis- 4.1
19.5 hours on-demand video
Complete web developer Guide to websites working with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Bootstrap, JQuery, MySQL and more The Premier Web development Course. EVERYTHING web creation. Regular content updates and new material. One stop place to learn web development! You can begin to earn money online by while you're learning and practicing web development....