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Synthetic Aperture Radar: Hazards
by Franz Meyer- 0.0
6 Weeks
The first MOOC about Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) remote sensing for disaster monitoring. Learn about weather and illumination-independent SAR remote sensing technology, and explore its applications to natural hazards including earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and flooding. Remote sensing observations from airborne and spaceborne platforms have become an essential tool in disaster management....
Natural Resources for Sustainable Development
by Lisa Sachs , Patrick Heller , NR Faculty- 0.0
12 Weeks
Explore the sustainable development opportunities and challenges in using oil, gas and minerals. Natural resources represent a potentially transformational opportunity to support development but are ultimately finite How do we make the most of them without destroying the planet? This course is for: Climate change activists or practitioners looking to understand the balance of sustainable resource use and business investment...
Reservoir Geomechanics
by Mark D. Zoback- 0.0
10 Weeks
This interdisciplinary course encompasses the fields of rock mechanics, structural geology, earthquake seismology and petroleum engineering to address a wide range of geomechanical problems that arise during the exploitation of oil and gas reservoirs. The first part of the course establishes the basic principles involved in a way that allows readers from different disciplinary backgrounds to understand the key concepts....
Unconventional Reservoir Geomechanics
by Mark D. Zoback , Arjun H. Kohli- 0.0
10 Weeks
This course covers the geophysical and engineering concepts needed to understand the recovery of hydrocarbons from extremely low permeability unconventional oil and gas reservoirs. The production of hydrocarbons from extremely low permeability unconventional reservoirs through horizontal drilling and multi-stage hydraulic fracturing has transformed the global energy landscape. Unconventional Reservoir Geomechanics, Cambridge University Press 2019...
Using Photovoltaic (PV) Technology in Desert Climates
by Dr. Luis Pomares , Dr. Christos Fountoukis , Dr. Amir Abdallah , Dr. Benjamin Figgis- 0.0
8 Weeks
Learn how to mitigate the challenges related to PV technology and enhance the performance of solar cells and PV modules in desert climates. The high insolation in desert regions can result in a lower cost of solar energy. In this course, you will learn what effect temperature and dust has on the solar cells and PV modules....
Monitoring Volcanoes and Magma Movements
by Freysteinn Sigmundsson , Evgenia Ilyinskaya , Michael Poland , Halldór Geirsson- 0.0
8 Weeks
The course covers magma movements in volcanoes and how they can be inferred from ground based and satellite monitoring techniques, including studies of earthquakes, ground deformation, and volcanic gas release. Case studies are presented. The course gives an introduction to volcano monitoring techniques, magma movements and volcano unrest. Magma often intrudes in the roots of volcanoes prior to eruptions....
Introduction to Deep Earth Science
by Kei Hirose- 0.0
5 Weeks
Learn about the nature and dynamics of the Earth’s core, mantle and crust in this introductory Earth Science course. Have you ever imagined what is deep under the ground? What is happening deep inside the earth? How has the earth evolved into its present state? This course is an introduction to earth science, focusing on the deep earth....
Solar Resource Assessment in Desert Climates
by Dr. Luis Pomares , Dr. Christos Fountoukis , Dr. Amir Abdallah , Dr. Benjamin Figgis- 0.0
7 Weeks
Learn how to use the components of solar radiation,solar spectrum, forecasting and meteorology to advocate and plan for deploying PV in desert climates Desert regions may seem optimal for solar energy and the deployment of photovoltaic (PV) applications. You will also learn about forecasting and nowcasting and how this influences selecting a site for PV application....
Exploring Volcanoes and Their Hazards: Iceland and New Zealand
by Ben Kennedy- 0.0
7 Weeks
Experience the science of volcanology whilst learning the skill set of a volcanologist on a virtual fieldtrip to volcanoes in Iceland and New Zealand. In this course, you will learn the scientific terminology and skills of a field volcanologist. Unlike most courses, we will be taking you outside of the classroom....
Earthquake Seismology
by Aldo Zollo- 0.0
12 Weeks
The course explores the processes that cause earthquakes, as well as the methodologies used by seismologists to analyze seismograms, to measure source parameters, and to simulate the seismic wave impact at the Earth's surface. The course introduces the basic theories and experimentalworkfocused on earthquake generation and seismic wave propagation. Concepts and experimentsfocused on uncovering earthquake processes...