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Logística agrícola sostenible
by Javier Andres Riaño Hernandez , Andrés Felipe Velandia Venegas , Yohany Andrés Jímenez- 0.0
5 Weeks
Aprende las tendencias en el sector agrícola, las buenas prácticas agroindustriales y la optimización de procesos a lo largo de la red de valor. 000 millones de personas en todo el mundo. Identificar los procesos que ayudan a optimizar los diferentes eslabones de la red de valor en el sector agrícola...
Geology and Engineering Geology | 工程地质学
by Wenjie Xu- 0.0
11 Weeks
Learn the basics of geology and geological engineering as we explore ways to both protect and properly utilize the earth’s resources today and in the future. 地球是人类的家园,人类文明发展与利用和改造地球密不可分。课程将介绍地质学基本知识及工程地质分析原理和方法,从而在工程建设中更好地利用和保护地球! The earth is our home. The development of human civilization as we know it goes hand in hand with how we have used and continue to reshape the planet....
Automotive Engine Fundamentals | 汽车发动机原理
by Shijin Shuai , Zhi Wang , Xiao Ma- 0.0
14 Weeks
本课程是车辆工程和动力机械及工程专业学生的核心专业课程,重点围绕汽油机和柴油机两种主流汽车动力的工作原理进行介绍。 This course is the core professional course for students majoring in automotive engineering and energy and engineering. It mainly introduces the working principles of gasoline engine and diesel engine. 课程由两部分构成,第一部分是从整机和宏观的角度,阐述发动机的动力输出即动力性和能量转化效率即燃油经济性,包括发动机性能指标与影响因素,燃料、工质与热化学,工作循环与能量利用,换气过程与进气充量,运行特性与整车匹配等。第二部分是从局部和微观的角度,阐述发动机的燃烧过程与排放特性,包括燃烧的基础知识,柴油机和汽油机的混合气形成与燃烧,有害物生成机理与控制,新燃烧方式与替代燃料发动机等。课程讲授过程中,始终贯穿汽油机与柴油机的对比分析,以便于同学们更好地理解发动机的工作原理。 This course consists of two parts. 发动机的性能指标和影响因素 Engine performance and factors which affects it 燃料、工质、热化学 Fuel, working medium and thermochemistry...
Mécanique des Fluides
by Christophe Ancey , François Gallaire , Marco Ramaioli- 0.0
8 Weeks
Ce cours de base est composé des sept premiers modules communs à deux cours bachelor, donnés à l’EPFL en génie mécanique et génie civil. Ce cours est une première introduction à la mécanique des fluides. Nous allons aborder tout d'abord les propriétés physiques des fluides : les états de la matière et la notion de viscosité....
Программные средства CAD
by Philip Perepelitca- 0.0
5 Weeks
Вы работаете инженером и постоянно имеете дело с чертежами? Пришло время автоматизировать эту работу, выполнять её в разы быстрее и сократить число ошибок до нуля. Если вы заняты в области машиностроения, архитектуры или дизайна интерьера, чертежи — ваша сила, но и ваша боль. Сколько времени уходит на их создание и печать?...
Energy ─ The Technology You Must Know in the 21st Century | 能源 ─ 21世紀你必須了解的科技!
by Ching-Yao Chen- 0.0
4 Weeks
A comprehensive introduction to existing and emerging energy technologies and their applications. (Taught in Mandarin) Energy technology is a highly multidisciplinary subject, which extends from engineering (e. g. mechanical, chemical, civil, environmental and electrical) to economy and ecology. This course is designed for students with limited engineering knowledge. Fossil Fuel and Thermal Power Plants...
Introducción a la Ingeniería del Helicóptero
by Miguel A. Barcala , Ángel A. Rodríguez-Sevillano- 0.0
4 Weeks
El curso proporciona una introducción del conocimiento aplicado de la aerodinámica, aeromecánica, mecánica del vuelo, estructura e ingeniería de los sistemas del helicóptero, que permita identificar y resolver problemas aplicando, con creatividad, los conocimientos adquiridos para finalizar con la aplicación de los conocimientos al análisis de un diseño preliminar de un helicóptero....
Signals and Systems|信号与系统
by Qin Gong- 0.0
12 Weeks
This course will help you to understand fundamental concepts, principles, analysis and designs of signals transmitting through systems. By the end of the course, you will learn concepts, principles, analysisand designs of deterministic signals transmitting and processing through linear time-invariant systems. You will also learn ways to analyze signals and systems from various perspectives such as time domain versustransform domain,continuoussignalsversusdiscretesignals....
Fundamentals of Automotive Crash Safety|汽车碰撞安全基础
by Qing Zhou- 0.0
8 Weeks
Learn the fundamental knowledge and theory and the state-of-the-art technologies of vehicle crash safety and human body impact protection. In this course we systematically teach fundamental knowledge and theory and the state-of-the-art technologies of vehicle crash safety and human body impact protection. This course includes following parts: Human body injuries in vehicle collision accidents...
Hydraulique fluviale 2 : Sédiments et morphologie fluviale
by Sandra Soares-Frazão , Yves Zech , Mário J. Franca , Pedro Manso- 0.0
8 Weeks
Apprenez à calculer la quantité de sédiments transportés par les rivières et à comprendre leurs interactions avec la rivière et son environnement Pourquoi le lit de la rivière présente-t-il des zones d’érosion et de dépôts ? Comment la rivière évolue-t-elle au fil du temps, parfois de manière très rapide et catastrophique ?...