Search result for Courses taught by Sivakami S ; MBA ; Ph.D (ongoing)
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Master your Decision-Making, and Critical Thinking Skills !
by Sivakami S ; MBA ; Ph.D (ongoing)- 4.5
4 hours on-demand video
Research Based Decision Making, Problem Solving & Critical Thinking Strategies; for Leaders, Managers, & everyone else! Improve the Quality and ROI (Return on Investment) of all your Big decisions !! The Course is explained with a lot of examples and research studies for ease of understanding! It can help upgrade your Leadership Skills and Management Strategies significantly....
Accelerate Innovation & Creativity, a Research based Guide !
by Sivakami S ; MBA ; Ph.D (ongoing)- 4.5
3.5 hours on-demand video
Lessons from the Research: Improve Innovation, Creativity, Expertise & Mastery; in yourself, your Team and Organization! This Course is a Comprehensive Guide to accelerating Creativity, Creative Thinking and Innovation! Become an Expert or Master at what you do, and enhance and boost Creativity and Innovation in your team and organization, by learning from the Research and Science !...
Enhance your Emotional Intelligence; The Science of Emotions
by Sivakami S ; MBA ; Ph.D (ongoing)- 4.5
4 hours on-demand video
The Science, Research and Lessons, on Emotions, and Social Skills, for Leaders, Managers & everyone else! Research and Studies have clearly established, that Emotional Intelligence is at least as important as General Intelligence, Rationality and Creativity, in predicting Academic, Professional and Social Success! This will give you very different perspectives and lessons that are grounded in real research and evidence....
Leadership Ethics and Integrity: A Comprehensive Guide !
by Sivakami S ; MBA ; Ph.D (ongoing)- 4.4
4.5 hours on-demand video
Deep and Enlightening Insights, and Lessons, from the Research on Integrity, Ethics and Morality, for today's Leaders ! Morality and Ethics don't just belong in Moral Science Classes! They are crucial for today's Leaders and Managers. Surveys reveal that they are often considered the most important quality for a Leader or Executive!...
Motivation and Employee Engagement, a Comprehensive Guide !
by Sivakami S ; MBA ; Ph.D (ongoing)- 4.5
4.5 hours on-demand video
Comprehensive Insights, Lessons, Strategies; from the Research and Theories, on Human Motivation and Employee Engagement Motivated and Engaged Employees are everyone's dream come true! Happier and more productive employees, less absenteeism and turnover, better performance, better cost management, better profitability . . . it is almost a panacea for most, if not all, the ills that Corporations and Institutions face....
Upgrade your Influencing and Negotiation Skills !
by Sivakami S ; MBA ; Ph.D (ongoing)- 4.5
2.5 hours on-demand video
Research based Insights, Strategies and Techniques, on Negotiation, Influencing and Persuasion Skills! There are many different ways that we can influence, and be influenced by, others. In our day to day interactions and judgements. There are many many ways to be manipulated, and to manipulate! And most of it is subconscious, we are not even aware of it!...
Simple Strategies from Game Theory, for Leaders & Managers !
by Sivakami S ; MBA ; Ph.D (ongoing)- 4.7
2.5 hours on-demand video
Practical Leadership Strategies from Game Theory, for Conflict Management, Competition and Interdependence ! Game Theory and Decision Theory, model and analyze Interdependence, Cooperation, Competition and Conflict Management. This has given rise to powerful concepts and Strategies. These strategies are extremely necessary and useful for Leaders and Managers, and everyone else too! And how they apply to the day to day problems we face....
Growth Mindset, Grit, and Neuroplasticity, for Excellence !
by Sivakami S ; MBA ; Ph.D (ongoing)- 4.5
3.5 hours on-demand video
A Model for Excellence, and Success, with Insights from Neuroplasticity, Fixed and Growth Mindsets, Grit, and Agility. When we see someone excel in some field, and achieve amazing things, what do we think of that excellence, and success ? Because their capabilities and skills are innate, and success comes easy in that case....
Decision Making: Mistakes, in Probability and Statistics !
by Sivakami S ; MBA ; Ph.D (ongoing)- 4.5
3 hours on-demand video
Lessons for Leaders and Managers: Learn and Avoid the common Misconceptions and Mistakes, in Probability & Statistics. Most of us have learnt some Probability and Statistics in High School, or later in college, or as part of our MBA. We know the basic concepts, and may even use it regularly in our judgements and decisions!...
Ethics and Integrity, all about Deception and Dishonesty !
by Sivakami S ; MBA ; Ph.D (ongoing)- 4.6
3.5 hours on-demand video
Insights and Lessons, from the Science and Research, on Human Dishonesty and Deception! Deception and Dishonesty are as old as life itself ! All living organisms, including humans, routinely deceive themselves, and others. And most of it is not even intentional, it is subconsciously done! Research reveals, that almost everyone lies, routinely, multiple times a day!...