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The Complete Communication Skills Master Class for Life
by TJ Walker- 4.4
31 hours on-demand video
Communication Skills for Persuasion, Assertiveness and All Business Communication Needs Communication Skills are the most important personal skills you can ever develop for your success in life. Life is a series of communications. Those who develop strong communication skills do well in school, secure jobs and promotions and often ascend to the highest levels of leadership in corporations, governments and civic life....
Communication Skills for Beginners
by TJ Walker- 4.4
30.5 hours on-demand video
Start Building Your Communication Skills Now Communication skills are essential in business and in life. Imagine yourself feeling comfortable and confident anytime you have to communicate with colleagues, bosses, customers, prospects or clients. You can quickly walk and talk like someone who has experienced communication skills, not a beginner. " TJ Walker Communicate effectively to individuals and small groups...
Presentation Skills for Beginners
by TJ Walker- 4.4
1 hour on-demand video
Presentation Skills to Expand Your Career Presentation skills are the most important skills most people can ever develop during their career. The higher you advance in your career, within any organization, the more time you will spend using your presentation skills to communicate with colleagues, customers, clients, investors, and the public....
Fear of Public Speaking: Never Fear Public Speaking Again
by TJ Walker- 4.2
1 hour on-demand video
Public Speaking Fear. You will deliver presentations/speeches with confidence and ease. Never be nervous again. Public Speaking Fear can melt away. Imagine being so comfortable and relaxed when standing up and speaking in front of people that it feels like a conversation with one good friend. You will never have to waste energy getting nervous or fearful again....
Speaking on the Telephone: Confidently Speak on the Phone
by TJ Walker- 4.2
1 hour on-demand video
Tips and tricks to sound comfortable, confident and relaxed on any phone call Speaking on the Telephone: Confidently Speak on the Phone Imagine yourself speaking with total confidence and ease, every single time you make a telephone call. You can be relaxed, authoritative and easy to understand on the phone. *How to sound confident...
Communication Skills: Use a Teleprompter Effectively
by TJ Walker- 4.5
1 hour on-demand video
Communication Skills to Look like a natural pro using a Teleprompter. You won't have to look or sound like a robot Communication Skills for the Teleprompter. Imagine that you are giving a speech in front of thousands of people, and you are reading the Teleprompter as seamlessly and flawlessly as Ronald Reagan or Bill Clinton ever did....
Public Relations: Speak Effectively at Press Conferences
by TJ Walker- 4.4
1 hour on-demand video
Public Relations: Develop the public speaking and media training skills you need to master this presentation format Public Relations depends on speaking effectively to the news media. Imagine yourself speaking at a press conference with total confidence, and the media are there in full force capturing your messages and using your favorite sound bites....
Conference Calls-You Can Present Well On Any Conference Call
by TJ Walker- 4.5
1 hour on-demand video
You can present information in an interesting, memorable and engaging manner on all teleconferences Conference Calls-You Can Present Well On Any conference Call Imagine knowing that you can be great every time you present on a conference call. Speaking on the telephone presents unique challenges, i. e. , you can't see your audience or if they are paying attention....
Public Speaking Skills: Give a Great Informational Speech
by TJ Walker- 4.5
1.5 hours on-demand video
Public Speaking - You can confidently present information in a way that is understandable and memorable Public Speaking. Imagine that every time you speak, people can understand your message, remember your key points and have a good feeling about you. In this How to Give an Informational Speech Public Speaking course you will learn the following:...
Interviewing Skills: Conducting Job Interviews
by TJ Walker- 4
1 hour on-demand video
Interviewing Skills: What managers need to know to prepare for and deliver job interviews for new employees. Interviewing Skills are essential for managers who must screen new job applicants on a regular basis. You can conduct job interviews with prospective employees confidently and professionally. Conducing a job interview can be every bit as stressful as being interviewed for a job....