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Drug Discovery & Medicinal Chemistry
by Erland Stevens- 0.0
5 Weeks
Learn how scientists in drug development modify and test molecules to improve potency and reduce toxicity. Discover the criteria that regulatory agencies use to approve molecules that are shown to be both safe and effective as pharmaceuticals for the treatment and prevention of diseases. The process requires scientists with expertise in chemistry, biology, and medicine....
Nutrition and Cancer
by Ellen Kampman , Fränzel van Duijnhoven , Dieuwertje Kok- 0.0
5 Weeks
Discover the latest insights on the role of diet, nutrition and lifestyle in the prevention, occurrence and progression of cancer. Is cancer partly preventable through a healthy diet? Cancer has overtaken cardiovascular disease (CVD) as the leading cause of death in many parts of the world. It causes one in eight deaths worldwide....
Essential Human Biology: Cells and Tissues
by Mario Ricci , Rachel Gibson , Sophie Karanicolas , Catherine Snelling- 0.0
5 Weeks
An introduction to the human body's most fundamental building blocks and their behaviours in health and disease. Are you preparing for a health-related career, or planning to study in the health sciences? Perhaps you're just keen to learn more about the wonders of the human body? Our bodies are amazing but complex biological machines....
Viruses & How to Beat Them: Cells, Immunity, Vaccines
by Jonathan Gershoni- 0.0
7 Weeks
Learn how our immune system fights viral disease and make better vaccination decisions with a clearer understanding of Cells, Viruses, and Immunity. Have you ever wondered what viruses actually are? Have you been curious about the ways they invade our bodies, attack our cells and make us sick? Our bodies are made of cells, which are amazing molecular machines....
Nutrition and Health: Food Risks
by Ivonne M.C.M. Rietjens , Marcel H. Zwietering , Martine Reij , Jochem Louisse- 0.0
8 Weeks
Learn about bacteria, pesticides and health hazards present in food. Everyday reports of food scandals and recalls are published. One day it's scary bacteria in meat, and another day it's dangerous pesticides in fruits. Many consumers worry about the conflicting and confusing messages about food hazards an actual risk. Overview of food hazards...
Cellular Mechanisms of Brain Function
by Carl Petersen , Yanqi Liu- 0.0
8 Weeks
This course aims for a mechanistic description of mammalian brain function at the level of individual nerve cells and their synaptic interactions. Brain and behavior are inextricably linked in neuroscience. The function of the brain is to govern behavior, and the aim of this course is to causally link biophysical mechanisms with simple behaviors studied in mice....
Managing Addiction: A Framework for Successful Treatment
by Femke Buisman-Pijlman , Linda Gowing , Robert Ali , Abdallah Salem- 0.0
5 Weeks
Understand how to recognize addiction and to match a person with alcohol and other drug problems to treatment using a full range of evidence-based responses. Addiction is such a common problem today that people experiencing alcohol, nicotine or other drug problems present in many different healthcare settings. Key questions we will look at in this course include:...
Gateway to Medicine: An Introduction to the Field of Medicine | 走近医学
by Ying Qiu , Bogen Song , Shuang Chao , Fei Wang- 0.0
10 Weeks
The field of medicine combines science, art, wisdom and philosophy in service of humanity. Join us. A whole new world is here. Explore the mysteries of health and disease. 医学是集科学、哲学和人文于一体的艺术学科。打开本课,您将领略到一个全新的世界,我们将带您去揭开人类疾病与健康的奥秘。 Medical science has its origins in Middle Eastern religion. With the growing desire for health and longevity, innovation and technical achievements continue to drive the field of medicine....
System Dynamics for Health Sciences
by David Rubin , Tak Igusa , Robyn Letts- 0.0
9 Weeks
Learn to use system dynamics to better understand complex medical issues and interventions. Effective and meaningful engagement with complex modern medical systems requires an overarching set of tools. System dynamics is such a tool, allowing health practitioners to model and simulate problems ranging from the molecular level to the entire healthcare system and beyond....
Frailty in Daily Living
by Rick Kwan , Justina Liu , Daphne Cheung , Patrick Kor- 0.0
4 Weeks
A practical MOOC that allows you to experience the assessment and management of frailty in daily life to achieve healthy ageing. Did you know that frailty can affect the quality of life of older people? Did you know that frailty can impose a burden on the significant others of older people?...