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Free sample of our life changing program
- 0.0
Take our 7 day course to see if you want to make an investment to change your life in 30 days. Sometimes you just have to give away life changing information for free. This is a shortened version of our paid 30 day class. If you like this one, you might want to do the longer version....
The Goal Squad
- 0.0
Become Your Best Self Do you want to improve your life? Have you ever set a New Years Resolution, only to fail within the first month? What does it take to make a change stick?...
Goals Magic - Goal Setting Introduction Course & Meditation
- 0.0
Learn the Little Known Goal Setting System - Goals Magic. Achieve Your Goals With This Goal Setting Introduction Course Goal Setting Introduction Course - Congratulations, you are about to register for the most powerful goal setting system and approach you have come across. You're UNCONSCIOUS . . . that's where the real secret to setting and achieving goals is....
How To Set Goals That Win
- 0.0
Seven Steps For Setting Goals Upon completion of this course, students will know to write goals that will produce results! Students will have an opportunity to practice seven logical steps for setting goals that win. They will also learn how to and use the SMART technique refine their top three goals....
Learn How To Set and Achieve Powerful Goals: Proven System
by Jimmy Naraine- 4.7
2.5 hours on-demand video
Learn goal-setting strategies used by the top 1%. Figure out exactly what you want and HOW to get it. Then do it. Over 201,000 people from 194 countries enrolled in Jimmy's courses Overall, 30,000+ TOP Reviews! Featured in Entrepreneur, Forbes, FoxNews, and Business Insider magazines former Goldman Sachs and Allianz employee turned location independent entrepreneur...
Goal Setting: 4 Week Challenge!
- 0.0
Learn a simple, straightforward way to set goals and increase your productivity! Do you have a goal you've been letting slip through the cracks? Do you want to improve but don't know where to start? Good news, this short course is designed to help you get starting on achieving your ambitions....
The 7-Step Surefire System for Goal Setting and Achievement
by Ken Wells- 4.5
1 hour on-demand video
Proven Goal Setting System for Life, Career and Short Term Goals - Stop Procrastinating and Achieve Your Goals Faster Goal setting is usually something that's done wrong. It's one thing to set goals, it's another thing entirely, to actually achieve them. How many times have you used goal setting techniques only to lose motivation or never even get started?...
Time Management, Goal Setting, Focus & Concentration: Basics
by Kamlesh Thakur- 4.3
3.5 hours on-demand video
A Simple Guide to Effective Time Management & Goal Setting, Increasing Focus & Concentration & Overcoming Failures YOU ARE NOT ALONE !! Do you feel tired of being Run by Your Day's Priorities in life? Are you in your early 20's 30's or 40's and feel like your work day or job dictate the quality of your personal life and relationships?...
Goal Setting, Trello To-Do Lists and Excel Decision Analysis
by Brian Jackson- 0.0
3 hours on-demand video
Goal setting using Trello to do lists and decision analysis using Excel spreadsheets: Goal Setting, Trello and Excel! Do you feel stuck? Like maybe you're merely existing when you could be living? Are you simply part of the crowd rather than a unique individual? Perhaps it's time to change. . ....
Commanding Chaos - Make a Plan and Take Command!
by James J. Stamatelos- 0.0
1.5 hours on-demand video
Learn how to achieve your long AND short term goals by using proven methods rooted in emergency response operations. Take Command & Start Pursuing Your Dreams Today. Stop running in circles and create the future you actually WANT. This lean and powerful course cuts gives the skills needed to pursue and achieve any personal or professional dream....