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Privacy & Standardisation Capstone
by Jan Smits- 0.0
Approx. 24 hours to complete
Welcome to the capstone on the specialisation on Privacy & Standardisation. This capstone will build on the knowledge you obtained in the courses: Standardisation & Technology, Privacy in the Western World, Privacy in the USA and Privacy in Europe. The capstone will help you build a comprehensive opinion and it will challenge you in all areas of present-day privacy protection....
Children's Human Rights - An Interdisciplinary Introduction
by Roberta Ruggiero , Philip D. Jaffé , Jean Zermatten- 4.7
Approx. 11 hours to complete
Drawing on the contributions of several academic disciplines including law, psychology, sociology, history, educational and health sciences, economy and anthropology, an interdisciplinary approach guides the student into a selection of critical issues concerning children’s rights. This open online course provides an overview of the most important features of children’s human rights....
Genomics for Law
by Dr. Gene E. Robinson , Dr. Jennifer K. Robbennolt- 4.8
Approx. 12 hours to complete
Genomics for Law provides a unique framework to review the history and basics of genomics research as well as explore how genomics has, and will continue to, interact with the law. • Genomics and Criminal Law • Genomics and Criminal Procedure • Forensic Genomics • Intellectual Property Protection and Biotechnology • Genomics and Tort Law...
REAL BONES: Adventures in Forensic Anthropology
by Janet Monge- 4.8
Approx. 12 hours to complete
Forensic anthropology involves medico-legal cases where human remains have lost "personhood" (an individual cannot be identified due to decomposition or destruction of unique personal features). We will learn techniques that biological anthropologists apply to these cases to identify certain social attributes. We will also blend both biological and social anthropology to analyze human variation and well-being in urban settings....
Hot Topics in Criminal Justice
by Christopher Slobogin- 4.6
Approx. 19 hours to complete
The American criminal justice system is in need of reform. We incarcerate too many people. We pay insufficient attention to scientific advances that can help separate out the most and least culpable and dangerous. We grant the police far too much power to use force and technological surveillance. After completing this course, participants should be able to:...
Introduction to Environmental Law and Policy
by Donald Hornstein- 4.9
Approx. 15 hours to complete
Environmental law may be the one institution standing between us and planetary exhaustion. It is also an institution that needs to be reconciled with human liberty and economic aspirations. This course considers these issues and provides a tour though existing legal regimes governing pollution, water law, endangered species, toxic substances, environmental impact analyses, and environmental risk....
Introduction to International Nuclear Law
by Olga Moiseeva- 4.7
Approx. 11 hours to complete
So, what is international nuclear law? What aspects of international cooperation exist in this direction? You will learn about this in our course. Nuclear power gives us hope and potential for significant benefits, in a variety of fields, from medicine and agriculture to electricity production and industry. These risks must be managed very carefully and thoroughly....
International Nuclear Law: Advanced Concepts
by Olga Moiseeva- 0.0
Approx. 10 hours to complete
Regulations of operating a nuclear facility. Licensing process and requirements. Transport and physical protection of nuclear and radioactive material. The first part of the course concentrates on the requirements of operating a nuclear facility – initial licensing process and subsequent continuous regulatory control. Finally, we will discuss the issues of illicit nuclear trafficking and nuclear terrorism....
An Introduction to American Law
by Anita Allen , Shyam Balganesh , Stephen Morse , Theodore Ruger , Tess Wilkinson-Ryan , Tobias Barrington Wolff- 4.8
Approx. 12 hours to complete
This course will give you a glimpse into six different areas of American law: Tort Law, Contract Law, Property, Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, and Civil Procedure. You will gain insight into the complexities and dilemmas that arise from the application of law in different settings, and what is distinctive about American approaches....
American Contract Law I
by Ian Ayres- 4.9
Approx. 33 hours to complete
American Contract Law I (along with its sister course Contracts II) provides a comprehensive overview of contract law in the United States. The course covers most of the key concepts found in a first year law school class. Each lecture is based on one or more common-law cases, integrating legal doctrines with policy discussions....