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Making Band Websites: Promoting and Selling Your Music
by Jason Allen- 4.9
6.5 hours on-demand video
With no experience necessary, create websites for your band, album, or show! 100% Answer Rate! Every single question posted to this class is answered within 24 hours by the instructor. As a musician, I learned how to create websites out of pure necessity. I've now written hundreds of websites for artists, musicians, bands, galleries, and other organizations....
Become a Professional Web Developer | Version 3.0
by Stone River eLearning- 4
59 hours on-demand video
Everything you need to know to become a professional web developer from scratch, updated for modern development. We call this Become a Professional Web Developer not because we think we're great, but because this is hands down the most in depth course on web development in town. This course includes 60+ hours of content! Wow!...
How to create Websites Build 10 Websites From Scratch
by Laurence Svekis- 4
32 hours on-demand video
Build 10+ complete websites from scratch, supercharge your portfolio learn how to create websites HTML CSS JavaScript Do you want to become a professional web developer and are looking for a starting place? Then this course is for you! Build your portfolio become a professional web developer. See how they work in different projects....
Python & Django Framework Course: The Complete Guide
by Fatah Gabrial- 4.1
3 hours on-demand video
Get started with Python 3 & Django 3 Framework. Build Dynamic Web Applications from Scratch In this "Complete Guide: Python & Django Framework" course, you will learn Python v3 the latest Python version. Including to that you will also learn Django 3 Framework, Latest full stack web development framework. You will learn complete Python 3...
Become a Modern Web Developer
by Stone River eLearning- 3.8
36 hours on-demand video
Learn cutting edge web development skills to stay ahead of your peers Are you a web developer, but are having a hard time keeping up with all the latest development tools coming out? Are you new to web development and want to dive straight into cutting edge, modern web development tools?...
The Complete Django Web Development Course
by Lipiam Co- 4.1
6 hours on-demand video
The best course for starters and advanced developers In this course we will learn from the very basic to advanced web development. All you need to have is the will to learn and become a real modern web developer....
Learn Web Development By Building A Blog
by Avetis Ghukasyan- 4.2
15.5 hours on-demand video
Use Angular, Bootstrap, ASP. NET Core, SQL Server & learn full stack web development by building a blogging application. In this course we are going to build a full stack blogging web application by starting from the very beginning stages of planning and moving ahead into implementing our solutions. It is a good course for all levels....
Full stack Universal React with Redux, Node js and MongoDB
by Marco Tomasello- 3.6
5 hours on-demand video
Learn full stack Javascript: Client and Universal React with Redux, Node js, Express, MongoDB and build a Shopping-cart Did you start learning React but you are struggling to grasp the most import concepts such as: Redux, server-side rendering in React or how to build your own API? In this course you will learn:...
The Result-Oriented Web Developer Course - BOOTCAMP 2020
by Vertex Academy- 4.7
50.5 hours on-demand video
Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp. HTML, CSS, Javascript, etc ! 9 Major Projects. Complete. Full Stack Web Development Hello! Welcome to the Result-Oriented Web Developer Course - BOOTCAMP 2020. After browsing numerous full stack web development bootcamps on Udemy and other platforms, it became obvious that this bootcamp sets a NEW STANDARD in online courses....
Practical Web development for beginners HTML CSS JavaScript
by Damyan Atanasov- 4.3
2 hours on-demand video
Practical learning of basics in web development. Dive into the world of web development and create the web. HTML CSS JS In this course you will learn the foundations of web development. We will learn the basics of the technologies that stands behind almost every web page and web application that you can see in the internet these days....