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How To Get Your Customers To Love You
by Mike Korytny- 0.0
102 hours on-demand video
Over 100 hours of content on how to get your customers to love you, how to talk to your customers, and business advice. Get your customers to love you. Get your customers to love buying from you. Increase customer satisfaction. Improve customer experience. Get customers talking about you to their friends and people they know....
Telepresence Professional Basics
by Vance Crowe- 5
1 hour on-demand video
How to have clean sound and look engaging over video teleconference Professional Basics Who is this class for? This class is aimed at professionals that need to be able to build relationships and conduct important meetings over video conference. It is beginner level for technical skills and intermediate for professional skills....
Business Communication Mastery Course
by Ranveer Kumar- 0.0
1 hour on-demand video
Learn how to improve your business and personal communication that will help you to grow personally and professionally. Hey guys , Welcome to my course ! My course is going to help you to develop better communication skills that you can use to outwork your competition in business and in daily life....
Making Remote Life Work
by Victoria Mattingly- 4
41 mins on-demand video
How to take care of yourself and connect with others in a virtual world Are you new to remote work and unsure how to best navigate this virtual, stay-at-home life? In this course, you’ll learn how to take care of yourself while also making and maintaining meaningful connections with your colleagues as a remote worker....
The Ultimate Business Communication Course
by Paulo Braga- 3.6
1.5 hours on-demand video
Everything You Need to Master Business Communication in One Course! Hi there Welcome to The Ultimate Business Communication Course. If you are interested in mastering business communications and want to truly connect with people, stay tuned because this course has everything you’re looking for! You will learn how to build relationships and connect with people, essential rules to make your writing...
PowerPoint & Persuasion
by Paul Millerd- 4
1 hour on-demand video
Learn how to captivate an audience and create memorable content Do you want to know how to create a compelling presentations? Do you want to learn how to create PowerPoint slides like a McKinsey consultant? Do you want to learn the science of persuasion and how you can use it to create memorable content?...
Become the Leader on Effective Workplace Communication
by Gordon Adelsberg- 3.9
36 mins on-demand video
Learn the fundamental structuring method taught in top MBA programs. Communication 501: Fundamentals of Business Communication The most successful people in business can clearly and concisely share complex technical concepts with anyone. They run large firms. They are venture capitalists. they make a ton of money in investment banking and private equity....
How to Become a Certified Copywriter in 1 Day
by Reese Mojica- 4.2
2 hours on-demand video
Be a Certified Direct Response Copywriter SO I HEARD YOU WANT TO BE A CERTIFIED COPYWRITER. Maybe you found out that copywriters make A LOT of money? Or maybe you're struggling to sell your products or services because you just don't know how? Then this course is for you! WHAT IS A COPYWRITER ANYWAY?...
Domina Microsoft Teams desde cero a experto
by David Caparachin Ricapa- 0.0
2.5 hours on-demand video
Domina la herramienta Microsoft Teams para poder realizar trabajos colaborativos. El material se grabó usando una cuenta básica para que sea mas accesible para todas las personas y no se tenga complicaciones a la hora de seguir el curso que comenzamos desde cero. Algunas de las características cubiertas en el curso son:...
文字コミュニケーションに自信がつく! 今日から仕事ですぐに使えるアウトライナー活用法5選
by セム Mayumi Shinya- 0.0
2.5 hours on-demand video
5つのビジネスシーン(メール/チャット返信・手順書・要約・問題解決・ストレス管理)で活きるアウトライナー活用のススメ。文字(テキスト)でのやりとりを極めて周りと差をつけたいあなたへ。テレワーク時代はもちろん、一生モノのビジネススキル! 「もっと仕事を効率よく進めたい」「業界・業種を問わずどこでも活用できるビジネススキルを身に着けて仕事ができる人になりたい」 そんなあなたのための講座がここにあります! 本講座の学習内容 この講座ではビジネスでよく使う5つの場面を用意し、入力→整理→出力の3ステップを通じて文字で入ってきたものを理解し、自分の考えをアウトプットする方法を学習します。 【ビジネスでよく使う5つの場面】 ①返信文を書く②仕事の段取りをつける③議事録を書く④問題解決のヒントを得る⑤ネガティブな感情を追い出す これはどんな業界・業種でも活かせる一生モノのビジネススキルです。これを効率よく行う手段としてアウトライナーというメモツールを使用します。 テレワークの普及によって文字でやりとりするスキルの重要性が高まっています。そんな中、アウトライナーはこのような時代を生き抜くための「書く」ことと「考える」ことをサポートしてくれるツールです。 この講座ではアウトライナーをあなたの仕事の相棒にするための活用法を2時間半の動画にギュッとまとめました。 どんな仕事にも応用がきくテレワーク時代のビジネススキルをこの機会に学んでみませんか? それでは講座の中でお会いできるのを楽しみにしています!...