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Learn Python Programming, GUI, Database and System Design
by James Leopardi- 4.3
10 hours on-demand video
Learn to Program in Python with GUIs and Databases and Learn System Design techniques to create additional systems fast Learn Python Programming, GUI, Database and System Design - You will learn to Program in Python as well as GUI and Database programming. As part of the learning experience, you're encouraged to modify the programs and experiment....
Python training, from scratch to penetration tester
by Igneus Technologies- 4
10.5 hours on-demand video
Thousands of jobs are waiting for python developers. Learn to make your own penetration testing GUI tools. #update 4 (for MAC users): 18/07/2015 #update 3 in the course: 19/03/2015 #update 2 in the course : 15/12/2014 #update 1 in the course : 11/11/2014 Highlights: 8+ hour of practical video training with continuous update in series....
Learn Python 3 from scratch to become a developer in demand
by Lets Kode It- 4.7
11 hours on-demand video
A definitive guide to learn python 3. x with examples and exercises, created with keeping beginners in mind This is the most comprehensive yet simple course on python programming language and it concentrates on Python 3. x which means that what you will learn is relevant and is not obsolete. *************************** No Prior Coding Experience Needed ***************************...
Python for Everybody: Five Domain Specialization
by Sachin Kafle- 4.4
41.5 hours on-demand video
Game Development, Data Visualization, Web Scraping, Security and Cryptography, and Hacking--all at one course! Welcome to Python Programming world: The most popular language skill to have in 2020. You are going to learn every bit of python language in this course so that you can apply your knowledge in real-world apps....
2020 learning python3.8 from beginner to the master
by 攀 童- 4.2
6.5 hours on-demand video
If you to become a Python 3 Developer , Learn Web Development, Machine Learning ,this course is right for you. If you to become a Python 3 Developer , Learn Web Development, Machine Learning ,this course is right for you. This course will give you everything about python...
Python learning made simple
by Pankaj Anadure- 4.8
4.5 hours on-demand video
From Beginner to Professional This course will cover in depth about the Python and will show each and every aspect practically to make the concept and usage much clear. The course covers every thing from very basic so that even a new learner, who could be new to programming, also can easily understand the topics covered in this course....
Master the Python interview (special banks & startups)
by Nicolas Georges- 4.7
3 hours on-demand video
Ace your interview questions and get hired as a professional Python developer in prestigious companies! Welcome to Master the Python Interview! This is the most comprehensive course online to help you master the Python Interview, and get your next dream job! This course will teach you everything you need to know to land your next Python role, including:...
Python in 3 Hours: Python Programming for Beginners
by Ajay R Warrier- 3.8
2 hours on-demand video
Python in 3 Hours. Python Programming Tutorial for Beginners. No Previous Experience Required. Ultimate Guide to Python PYTHON IN 3 HOURS! JOIN THE OTHER 2000+ SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS WHO HAVE ALREADY MASTERED PYTHON PROGRAMMING WITH ONE OF MY TOP RATED COURSES! BRAND NEW COURSE! You came to right place. All this course asks you is 2-3 hours of your life....
Python & Web Fundamentals Course
by Jack Donaldson- 3.7
7.5 hours on-demand video
Learn to become a professional Python Programmer! Hours of lectures and problems, excellent for beginners! Learn to program with no previous experience in just a few hours! This course aims to teach students with no experience, the fundamentals of the programming language Python. Python is easy to learn, completely free and great for beginners....
Interactive Programming in Python
by Goeduhub Technologies- 2.5
1.5 hours on-demand video
A Python Practical Programming Course for Absolute Beginners - Learn how to Code in Python and Improve your Productivity The goal of the course is to introduce students to Python Version 3. x programming using hands on instruction. It will show how to install Python and use the Spyder IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for writing and debugging programs....