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On Premises Installation and Fundamentals with Google Cloud's Apigee API Platform
by Google Cloud Training- 4.7
Approx. 2 hours to complete
This course introduces you to the fundamentals and advanced practices applicable to the installation and management of Google Cloud's Apigee API Platform for private cloud. Through a combination of lectures, hands-on labs, and supplemental materials, you will learn how to design, install, secure, manage, and scale Apigee API Platform. WELCOME TO API OPERATIONS WITH THE GOOGLE CLOUD PLATFORM...
用 Python 做商管程式設計(三)(Programming for Business Computing in Python (3))
by 孔令傑 (Ling-Chieh Kung)- 4.9
Approx. 11 hours to complete
本系列課程從零開始,教授一般認為最適合初學者的程式語言「Python」,目標是讓大家在完成本課程之後,一方面獲得程式設計與運算思維的基本概念,一方面也能獨立寫出能解決運算問題的程式。本課程和一般程式設計課程最不同的地方,在於它是以解決商管領域的運算問題為導向,因此課程不會只含有質因數分解、紅球白球排列組合、三角不等式、萬年曆、數字排序等傳統程式設計課程的範例與作業,而是包含了生產、物流、存貨、投資、定價等問題,讓大家在學會程式設計的同時,也直接體會程式設計與資訊技術在商管領域的各種應用。 本系列課程共分為三門課程。本門課程做為第三門課程,將介紹類別與物件、以 Python 繪製統計圖表、程式演算在經濟學均衡分析的應用,以及圖形化使用者介面的設計。 C01 類別與物件 C01-01 案例:生日記錄本 C01-02 類別基本概念(1) C01-03 類別基本概念(2) C01-04 類別基本概念(3) C01-05 成員函數(1) C01-06 成員函數(2) C01-07 成員函數(3) C01-08 進階議題(1) C01-09 進階議題(2) NTU MOOC 課程問題詢問與回報機制 第一週作業:時間區段內的各種批改結果 C02 用matplotlib 繪製統計圖 C02_01_matplotlib 簡介 C02_02_直方圖 (1):計算繳交時間 C02_03_直方圖 (2):繪製基本直方圖 C02_04_直方圖 (3):設定直方圖 C02_05_直方圖 (4):上網查詢函式庫 C02_06_長條圖 C02_07_圓餅圖 C02_08_散佈圖與折線圖 C02_09_結語 第二週作業:YouBike 租借記錄視覺化 C03 程式演算在經濟學的應用 C03_01_在經濟學的應用 C03_02_囚犯困境...
用 Python 做商管程式設計(二)(Programming for Business Computing in Python (2))
by 盧信銘- 4.6
Approx. 8 hours to complete
接續用 Python 做商管程式設計(一)的內容,我們將在這個課程中繼續探討Python語言中的許多核心觀念,包含函數、字串、常用的資料結構、檔案讀寫、例外處理等。最後以一個財金資料分析的例子總結。完成本次課程之後,你將會對Python有更深入的了解,並且可以利用Python實際處理一些簡單的資料分析問題。 函數 (Functions) 1-1 Functions: 基本概念 1-2 發展函數的情境 1-3 定義與呼叫函數 1-4 變數的視野 (Scopes) 1-5 區域 (Local) 與 全域 (global) 變數 1-6 函數傳回值 1-7 函數傳入值 (Arguments)、傳回值、與指定傳入法 (Call by Assignment) 1-8 傳入可變物件 (Mutable Objects)、遞迴 (Recursion)、與除錯 (Debugging) NTU MOOC 課程問題詢問與回報機制 函數練習 字串 (Strings) 2-1 字串資料型別 2-2 字串操作 2-3 台灣身分證字號驗證問題 2-4 校正和 (Check Sum)...
Algorithms, Data Collection, and Starting to Code
by Dr. Tim "Dr. T" Chamillard- 4.6
Approx. 15 hours to complete
This course starts you on your journey learning about computational thinking and beginning C programming. If you’d like to explore how we can interact with the world in a rigorous, computational way, and would also like to start learning to program, this is the course for you! In this course, we’ll explore algorithms and data collection....
Web Application Development with JavaScript and MongoDB
by Dr Matthew Yee-King- 4.6
Approx. 27 hours to complete
In this course, you will develop more advanced web application programming skills. You will learn how to control data read and write access using methods, publish and subscribe. You will learn how to access your database and server shells using command line tools. You will use the SimpleSchema system to validate data and generate input forms automatically....
The Java Language
by Jim Sullivan- 0.0
Approx. 7 hours to complete
This is the second course in the Java as a Second Language Specialization. In this course, we'll take a look at Java data types, discuss what primitive data types are, and explain data classes. We'll also explore characters and strings and you'll add a new class in the lab. Next, we'll take a look at Java Control Structures....
计算机系统基础(一) :程序的表示、转换与链接
by 袁春风- 4.7
Approx. 44 hours to complete
本课程主要介绍高级语言程序中的数据类型及其运算、语句和过程调用等是如何在计算机系统中实现的。主要包含三个主题:(1)表示。不同数据类型(如带符号整数、无符号整数、浮点数、数组、结构等)数据在寄存器或存储器中的表示和存储;指令的格式、编码及其在存储器中的存储;存储地址(指针)的表示。(2)转换。高级语言程序中的过程(函数调用)、循环、选择等语句与机器级代码之间的对应关系。(3)链接。多个可重定位目标文件如何链接生成可执行目标文件并加载到系统中。 通过本课程的学习,使学习者能从程序员角度认识计算机系统,能够建立高级语言程序、ISA、OS、编译器、链接器等之间的相互关联,对指令在硬件上的执行过程和指令的底层硬件执行机制有一定的认识和理解,从而增强在程序调试、性能提升、程序移植和健壮性等方面的能力,并为后续的“计算机组成与设计”、“操作系统”、“编译原理”、“计算机体系结构”等课程打下坚实基础。 学完本课程后,学习者将对以下问题有比较深刻的认识,并能解决相关实际问题。 ----程序中处理的数据在机器中如何表示和运算? ----程序中各类控制语句对应的机器级代码结构是怎样的? ----多个程序模块是如何链接起来形成可执行目标文件的? ----机器级代码及构成机器级代码的指令是如何在机器上执行的? WEEK1 W1-1 C语言程序举例 W1-2-1 冯•诺依曼结构主要思想 W1-2-2 现代计算机结构模型及工作原理 W1-3-1 从机器语言到高级编程语言 W1-3-2 程序的开发和执行及其支撑环境 W1-4-1 编程语言和计算机系统层次 W1-4-2 现代计算机系统的层次结构 W1-5 本课程的主要学习内容 第1周 计算机系统概述 WEEK2 W2-1-1 10进制数和2进制数 W2-1-2 2,8,10,16进制数之间的转换 W2-2-1 原码和移码表示 W2-2-2 模运算系统和补码表示 W2-2-3 补码和真值的对应关系 W2-3-1 无符号整数和带符号整数 W2-3-2 C语言程序中整数举例 W2-4-1 浮点数的表示范围 W2-4-2 IEEE 754中规格化数的表示 W2-4-3 IEEE 754中特殊数的表示 W2-5 非数值数据的编码表示...
TDD – Desenvolvimento de Software Guiado por Testes
by Clovis Fernandes , Eduardo Guerra- 4.7
Approx. 17 hours to complete
Neste curso, assumimos que você já sabe projetar e desenvolver programas mais complexos em Java, com método e organização graças às boas práticas e princípios exercitados no curso anterior; mas você talvez não se sinta ainda confortável em projetar programas usando técnicas ágeis, como o desenvolvimento guiado por testes (TDD). Semana 1...
Princípios de Desenvolvimento Ágil de Software
by Eduardo Guerra , Clovis Fernandes- 4.6
Approx. 17 hours to complete
O objetivo deste curso é expor você às principais técnicas e princípios de desenvolvimento ágil, em especial aos que se popularizaram pela sua utilização no framework Scrum e na metodologia XP (Extreme Programming). Os conceitos apresentados neste curso incluem o seguinte: * Manifesto ágil e princípios de desenvolvimento ágil * Tarefas, Sprint Backlog, Quadro de Tarefas e Diagrama Burndown...
Desenvolvimento Ágil com Padrões de Projeto
by Clovis Fernandes , Eduardo Guerra- 4.7
Approx. 18 hours to complete
Neste curso, assumimos que você já sabe projetar e desenvolver programas mais complexos em Java, graças às boas práticas e princípios exercitados nos cursos anteriores; mas você talvez não se sinta ainda confortável em lidar com cenários mais complexos, onde é difícil desenvolver software com código de qualidade com flexibilidade suficiente para facilitar a implementação de mudanças repentinas de requisitos....