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Aprenda a criar softwares no VBA do Excel
4 hours on-demand video
Passo a passo de como criar um software no VBA, independentemente do seu nível e da sua área, você aprenderá do zero! Curso 100% prático sobre a linguagem VBA Não ensinaremos como usar as ferramentas e objetos separadamente Desde o primeiro vídeo será mão na massa Na prática você vai conseguir chegar a um bom nível de VBA...
Aprenda a Criar Planilhas Excel automatizadas com VBA
by Programador Excel VBA- 0.0
3.5 hours on-demand video
Se destaque no mercado de trabalho com automatização de planilhas no Excel, seja desejado, cobiçado pelas empresas Nosso Curso: #Curso de Excel VBA sem Formulario, Tema: Automatização de Cadastros com uso de Formulários em planilhas excel, Nesse curso você irá aprender: Como Criar um cadastro, Como Editar Cadastro, Como Atualizar Cadastro,...
Microsoft Excel Advanced - Formulas, Functions, Macros & VBA
by Brian Wells- 0.0
6 hours on-demand video
Become an Excel Expert in this Advanced Excel Course (Microsoft Excel 2010, Excel 2013, Excel 2016, and Excel 2019) Welcome to Your Microsoft Excel 2016 Advanced Course. ⇉ Watch the promo video to see How Quickly You Can Begin to Master Microsoft Excel! ⇉ This Course is MASSIVE! You receive over 6+ hours of video content & 90 lectures!...
Advanced Excel Formulas and VBA User Defined Functions
by Grant Gamble- 0.0
8.5 hours on-demand video
Master advanced Excel mega-formulas combining multiple functions and learn to create your own VBA user-defined functions (Please note that this course is designed for experienced Excel users. If you are still shaky on the basics of Excel formulas, have a look at the Udemy course "Essential Excel Formulas and Functions". )...
Essential VBA Training for Excel - Automate Repetitive Tasks
by Simon Sez IT- 0.0
4 hours on-demand video
Learn Microsoft VBA to automate your time-consuming procedures in Excel. Master Automation by Learning the Ins and Outs of Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) for Excel In Essential VBA Training for Excel - get up to speed on using VBA to help automate time-consuming procedures in Excel. Contents and Overview...
Excel VBA Editor Mastery!
by DealMaker Financial Training- 0.0
1 hour on-demand video
Learn VBA fundamentals and the editor tools which will save hours of your time! . . LOTS of it!That's why people come to use VBA after all. . . to save time!The irony is though. . . . . but now I know better. . . . ....
Using Excel as a database with VBA
by Daniele Protti- 0.0
14.5 hours on-demand video
Connect Excel to external data using VBA and turn it into a database or application to manage data from different source This course has been created to teach how to turn an Excel workbook into a Database application using VBA. g. databases, web services , XML files, text files and JSON files....
VBA WEB - Connect Excel to the WEB with VBA
by Daniele Protti- 0.0
19.5 hours on-demand video
Create VBA Web Scraping Tools to exchange information and data between Excel and the Web VBA was considered a dead language until new functionalities and objects have been made available to enable data exchange between MS Office products and the Web. g. The students will learn the following in this course: HTML DOM ...
Excel VBA for Business: Barcodes
by Daniel Strong- 0.0
2 hours on-demand video
Excel VBA guide to make your own Excel VBA Programs to simplify your life using Barcodes! Step by step inventory system! Speed Up Productivity and Lower Data Entry Errors! It's no secret that data entry errors can cause big problems. Fortunately, this course provides you with a complete set of skills to help you create programs in Excel....
Creating VBA UserForms
by Allen Wyatt- 0.0
1.5 hours on-demand video
Effectively Using Excel and Word Macros to Communicate with Users When you create macros using Excel or Word, the traditional way to get input from users and share information with users is through the use of input boxes and message boxes. Specifically, I want to show you how to create and use UserForms within your own macros....