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Process Mining: Data science in Action
by Wil van der Aalst- 4.7
Approx. 22 hours to complete
Through concrete data sets and easy to use software the course provides data science knowledge that can be applied directly to analyze and improve processes in a variety of domains. Then the course focuses on process mining as a bridge between data mining and business process modeling. How is Process Mining Different from Data Mining?...
Pattern Discovery in Data Mining
by Jiawei Han- 4.3
Approx. 17 hours to complete
Learn the general concepts of data mining along with basic methodologies and applications. Then dive into one subfield in data mining: pattern discovery. Mining Frequent Patterns by Exploring Vertical Data Format SPADE—Sequential Pattern Mining in Vertical Data Format Mining and Aggregating Patterns over Multiple Trajectories ToPMine: Phrase Mining without Training Data Frequent Pattern Mining in Data Streams...
Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Explained
by Robert Dittmar , Andrew Wu- 4.7
Approx. 9 hours to complete
Course Introduction Blockchain Data Blockchain Network and Data Processing Case Reading: Mining for Bitcoin Course Feedback Keep Learning with Michigan Online...
Intro to Analytic Thinking, Data Science, and Data Mining
by Dursun Delen , Julie Pai- 4
Approx. 7 hours to complete
We will review the types of business problems data science can solve and discuss the application of the CRISP-DM process to data mining efforts. Data Mining and an Overview of Data Analytics Data Mining and an Overview of Data Analytics The benefits of using the cross-industry standard process for data mining (CRISP-DM)...
Assessment for Learning
by Dr William Cope , Dr Mary Kalantzis- 4.5
Approx. 14 hours to complete
Other topics include the use of data mining and learning analytics systems in learning management systems and educational technology platforms. Participants will be required to consider issues of data access, privacy and the challenges raised by ‘big data’ including data persistency and student profiling. Educational Data Mining + Evaluation Using Data to Analyze Learning...
Case Studies in Data Mining with R
by Geoffrey Hubona, Ph.D.- 4.1
22 hours on-demand video
Learn to use the "Data Mining with R" (DMwR) package and R software to build and evaluate predictive data mining models. Case Studies in Data Mining was originally taught as three separate online data mining courses. The third extended case, Predicting Stock Market Returns is a data mining case study addressing the domain of automatic stock trading systems....
Business intelligence and data warehousing
by María del Pilar Ángeles- 3.9
Approx. 10 hours to complete
Welcome to the specialization course Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing. This course will be completed on six weeks, it will be supported with videos and various documents that will allow you to learn in a very simple way how to identify, design and develop analytical information systems, such as Business Intelligence with a descriptive analysis on data warehouses....
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Big Data and Education
by Ryan Baker- 0.0
8 Weeks
Online and software-based learning tools have been used increasingly in education. In this course, you will learn how and when to use key methods for educational data mining and learning analytics on this data. You'll also gain experience with standard data mining methods frequently applied to educational data. Key methods for educational data mining...
Text Mining and Analytics
by ChengXiang Zhai- 4.5
Approx. 33 hours to complete
This course will cover the major techniques for mining and analyzing text data to discover interesting patterns, extract useful knowledge, and support decision making, with an emphasis on statistical approaches that can be generally applied to arbitrary text data in any natural language with no or minimum human effort. 5 Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis: Motivation...
GIS Data Formats, Design and Quality
by Nick Santos- 4.9
Approx. 28 hours to complete
Week 1: Learn about data models and formats, including a full understanding of vector data and raster concepts. Take GIS Data Formats, Design and Quality as a standalone course or as part of the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Specialization. Course Overview & Data Models and Formats Course Overview Course Mechanics Vector Data Concepts...