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From Climate Science to Action
by Alan S. Miller , Claudia Barrera- 4.7
Approx. 15 hours to complete
In this endeavor, the MOOC brings together renowned scientists and policymakers to provide a synthesis of the most recent scientific evidence on climate change, regional low emissions and climate resilient development strategies across sectors. • Perspectives from regional experts on their experiences in strategies and actions proposed in each region to help transition towards a low-emissions, climate-resilient development path...
Internationalization: Creating Digital Content for the World
by Agustín Da Fieno Delucchi , Jorge Russo dos Santos , Pavel Soukenik- 0.0
4 Weeks
You will learn how to cater for different writing systems, regional formats and even directionality of scripts like the Arabic one. Content development models Basics of text encoding, implementation of regional formats and directionality...
Leadership Series
- 0.0
Asma is a Learning and Development Professional with 16 years of experience in the capability development of employees in diverse industries, across regional, functional and business unit levels....
Children's Human Rights - An Interdisciplinary Introduction
by Roberta Ruggiero , Philip D. Jaffé , Jean Zermatten- 4.7
Approx. 11 hours to complete
Participants will gain insight relative to the development of this specific human rights category, as well as to the evolution of the challenges faced by children over time and society’s efforts to respond. 6 Overview regional monitoring system 7 Regional evolution of children's rights: voices from a recent past - Introduction...
Sustainable Development: The Water-Energy-Food Nexus
by Hani Sewilam- 0.0
5 Weeks
Learn all about sustainable development and global changes in this course. This course focuses on sustainable development and global changes - vital issues for humanity. You’ll build skills and knowledge that are key for sustainable development into the future. The concept of sustainable development and global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Dealing with the WEF nexus at local and regional levels...
Measuring Sustainable Development
by Guido Schmidt-Traub , Guillaume Lafortune , Jessica Espey- 0.0
5 Weeks
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are an ambitious global agenda for prosperity, people, and planet. Launched in 2015 by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and the Bertelsmann Stiftung, the Sustainable Development Report is the first worldwide study to assess where the world stands with regard to achieving sustainable development....
English for Journalists, Part 1
by Maggie Sokolik- 0.0
5 Weeks
English for Journalists offers instruction in English language development for students who are studying journalism, or working journalists who want to improve their English proficiency. Department of State, and developed in partnership with the Regional English Language Office in Central and Southeastern Europe, the Voice of America, and English language educators across Central and Eastern Europe....
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African development – from the past to the present
by Ellen Hillbom- 0.0
Approx. 27 hours to complete
Regional economic integration Political development Regional economic integration Political development Regional economic integration Political development...
Tech for Good: The Role of ICT in Achieving the SDGs
by Tech for Good Faculty , Dorothy Gordon , Guilherme Canela Godoi , José Clastornik- 0.0
10 Weeks
What opportunities and challenges do digital technologies present for the development of our society? br, the Brazilian Network Information Center’s Regional Center for Studies on the Development of the Information Society. Sustainable development practitioners who need to understand the opportunities and limitations of technology in a development context....
English for Journalists, Part 2
by Maggie Sokolik- 0.0
5 Weeks
English for Journalists offers instruction in English language development for students who are studying journalism, or working journalists who want to improve their English proficiency. Department of State, and developed in partnership with the Regional English Language Office in Central and Southeastern Europe, the Voice of America, and English language educators across Central and EasternEurope....