Search result for Unity scripting Online Courses & Certifications
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C# & Unity By Example : 20+ Mini Game Development Projects
by Raja Biswas- 4.8
13 hours on-demand video
Learn C# scripting by Building Games with Unity . Build 20+ Mini Projects with C# Scripting for Unity Game Development Build a strong foundation in C# Scripting and Unity Game Development with this course. A Powerful Skill at Your Fingertips Learning the fundamentals of C# Scripting in Unity puts a powerful and very useful tool at your fingertips....
Unity C# Scripting : Complete C# For Unity Game Development
by Raja Biswas- 4.6
25.5 hours on-demand video
Learn C# Scripting for Unity Game Development from Absolute Basics, Create your own 3D & 2D Games With Unity using C# Jobs in unity game development are plentiful, and being able to learn C# Scripting along with Unity game development will give you a strong background to more easily build awesome games....
Unity 2020.1 New Features – Master the Latest Version
by Robert Gioia- 4.2
40 mins on-demand video
The goal of this course is to get you up and running with the latest tools and features new to Unity 2020. A full section of this course is dedicated to teaching you Visual Scripting using Bolt, a new feature of Unity that is similar to Unreal’s blueprint system. Are you ready to get up-and-running with Unity 2020....
Unity C# Editor Scripting Masterclass
by Neil North- 4.5
3.5 hours on-demand video
By default the Unity interface is quite powerful and versatile but that is nothing compared to what you can accomplish by scripting the interface, here are some examples of what you can do: This course takes you through everything you need to know to get started on implementing unity scripting in to your workflow and create amazing Unity Store products:...
Unity By Example : 20+ Mini Projects in Unity
by Raja Biswas- 4.4
20.5 hours on-demand video
Learn Unity with this Project Based course I have taught Unity Game Development & C# Scripting to thousands of people on my Youtube Channel: Charger Games. Jobs in unity game development are plentiful, and being able to learn C# Scripting along with Unity game development will give you a strong background to more easily build awesome games....
Unity Projects 2020 : 20+ Mini Projects in Unity & C#
by Raja Biswas- 4.7
10 hours on-demand video
Learn Unity Game Development & C# Scripting by Building 20+ Mini Game Development & Design Projects . Want to Learn Unity by Building lots of Mini Projects? I have taught Unity Game Development & C# Scripting to thousands of people on my Youtube Channel: Charger Games. Build a strong foundation in Unity Game Development with this course....
Unity Game Development : Build 5 Games With Unity & C#
by Raja Biswas- 4.3
24 hours on-demand video
Learn Unity Game Development & C# Scripting , Build Games with Unity . I have taught Unity Game Development & C# Scripting to thousands of people on my Youtube Channel: Charger Games. Jobs in unity game development are plentiful, and being able to learn C# Scripting along with Unity game development will give you a strong background to more easily build awesome games....
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Core Interaction Programming
by Jeremy Gibson Bond , Unity Technologies- 4.6
Approx. 11 hours to complete
Welcome to Core Interaction Programming, the first course in the Unity Certified Programmer Specialization from Unity Technologies. This course will help you prepare for the Unity Certified Programmer exam, the professional certification for entry to mid-level Unity programmers. Introduction to the Unity Certified Programmer Specialization The Unity Certified Programmer Exam Challenge 1 | Scripting Needs...
3D Art and Audio Pipeline
by Jeremy Gibson Bond , Unity Technologies- 4.4
Approx. 9 hours to complete
Welcome to 3D Art and Audio Pipeline, the third course in the Unity Certified Programmer Specialization from Unity Technologies. This course will help you prepare for the Unity Certified Programmer exam, the professional certification for entry to mid-level Unity programmers. You should be proficient at programming in the C# language and familiar with Unity's scripting APIs....
3D Interactions and Navigation
by Jeremy Gibson Bond , Unity Technologies- 4.5
Approx. 12 hours to complete
Welcome to 3D Interactions and Navigation, the third course in the Unity Certified Programmer Specialization from Unity Technologies. This course will help you prepare for the Unity Certified Programmer exam, the professional certification for entry to mid-level Unity programmers. The Unity Certified Programmer Exam Course Prerequisites and Unity Resources...