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Теория отраслевых рынков (Industrial Organization)
by Svetlana Avdasheva- 4.7
Approx. 20 hours to complete
Курс посвящен факторам, влияющим на размер компаний и структуру рынка. Почему на одних рынках преобладают малые компании, а на другом крупные? Продавцы принимают решения стратегически, однако их стимулы в свою очередь зависят от структуры рынка и от предшествующих решений. Как разделить между зоной предопределенных и свободных решений? Каковы лучшие способы предотвращения ценовых сговоров продавцов?...
Industrial Organization: Strategy and Competition in Business
by Kosmas Marinakis- 4.8
Approx. 26 hours to complete
Industrial Organization is the area of economics that studies the markets as institutions, the state of competition and strategic interaction among firms, the industrial policy and the business decisions firms make within the market framework. We explore interesting topics of market organization such as negotiations, antitrust, networks, platforms, electronic markets, intellectual property, business strategies, predation, entry deterrence and many others....
Application of ISO 14001 for Waste Prevention
by Anastasia Pavlova , Olga Sergienko- 0.0
8 Weeks
Within the duration of the lectures, you will gain an insightful understanding of the standardized requirements for an environmental management system that an organization can use to enhance its environmental performance. The practical examples and cases of the course are focused at the industrial waste prevention at companies’ level....
Complexity Economics An Introduction
by Systems Innovation- 4.5
5.5 hours on-demand video
It was a paradigm that fitted well with industrial age mechanization. In the third section we will be looking at nonlinear economics as we apply system dynamics to modeling micro economic phenomena, we will be talking about how feedback loops create nonlinearity and the process of self-organization out of which emerges non-equilibrium patterns of organization in the economy....
The Economics of Agro-Food Value Chains
by Hannes Lang , Luisa Menapace , Faical Akaichi , Francesco Bimbo , Montserrat Costa-Font , Carlo Russo , Chenguang Li- 4.5
Approx. 44 hours to complete
• The role and different types of industrial standards. Each of them will give you insights into a specific topic related to food quality and the organization of the agro-food value chains. Module 13: Industrial Standards...
Designing the User Experience
by Cait von Schnetlage- 0.0
4 Weeks
Emphasis is placed on an integrated and interdisciplinary approach to engineering design, concurrent engineering, design for manufacturing, industrial design, and the business of new product development. Industrial design, design for the environment, and design for manufacturing....
Future Robots. Towards a Robotic Science of Human Beings
by Domenico Parisi- 0.0
5 Weeks
These simulations also delve into the critical, nuanced concepts including: individual differences, language, thinking, social behavior, differences between men and women, the nature and role of family, possession and wealth, exchange of goods, the emergence of currency and organization for the production of goods, the economic and political role of the State, and historical phenomena....
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Cybersecurity and the Internet of Things
by Dr. Humayun Zafar, CEH, CISM, CRISC, PCIP , Andy Green, Ph.D. , Herbert J. Mattord, Ph.D., CISM, CISSP, CDP , Michael Whitman, Ph.D., CISM, CISSP- 4.6
Approx. 11 hours to complete
There are complexities and areas of necessary awareness when the industrial sector becomes connected to your home. IoT and the Industrial Sector Industrial Sector and IoT: A Second Look Practice Quiz: IoT and the Industrial Sector Practice Quiz on IoT and the Industrial Sector...
Product Design, Prototyping, and Testing
by Cait von Schnetlage- 0.0
4 Weeks
Emphasis is placed on an integrated and interdisciplinary approach to engineering design, concurrent engineering, design for manufacturing, industrial design, and the business of new product development. Industrial design, design for the environment, and design for manufacturing....
Lean 5S Workspace Organization & Auditing
by Cody Bellair- 4.3
41 mins on-demand video
5S is the time-tested, proven method of workspace organization developed in Japan over 70 years ago. Grasp the five principles of workspace organization with real-world manufacturing examples, and in Industrial Engineering....