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Grand Central Dispatch (GCD)
- 0.0
Approx. 2 weeks
Almsot all Apps consume data from web services, and therefore must use background threads for these lengthy operations. Even though we provide a black box solution for concurrency in the course, it is important that you understand how concurrency works in iOS. On top of that, GCD is a frequent topic in iOS job interviews....
by Юрий Петухов , Ильдар Гильфанов- 0.0
Approx. 12 hours to complete
Далее в курсе вы познакомитесь как с низкоуровневыми API для работы с многопоточностью - POSIX и NSThread, так и с высокоуровневыми API - Grand Central Dispatch и OpetationQueue....
iOS 9 and Swift 2: Step It Up!
by Michael Rudowsky- 4.4
17.5 hours on-demand video
Handle back-end processing using grand central dispatch...
iOS Developer
by Jarrod Parkes , Gabrielle Miller-Messner , Kate Rotondo , Owen LaRosa- 0.0
6 months
Then, you’ll progress to build more complex and advanced applications, using networking, and Apple’s Grand Central Dispatch and Core Data, and will be ready to publish your capstone project to the App Store....
Learn iPad Development and Advanced iOS Programming
by Eduonix Learning Solutions- 4.4
7 hours on-demand video
You will start with advance concepts of Objective C and it will be followed by sections on NSOperation, Grand Central Dispatch, Motion Sensors, Animation and OpenGL ES....
Hacking with Swift 2 - Games and Technique projects
by Stephen DeStefano- 4.6
8 hours on-demand video
5 Really Cool SpriteKit games and 4 technique projects This iOS 9 Swift game course features 5 SpriteKit game projects, and 4 technique projects. Each technique project will teach different aspects of iOS. To help guide you step by step along the path of the code, there are callout graphics, highlighting, and deep explanations. com, or the Swift Mastery Course, or have written your own existing Swift apps....
Hacking with tvOS 12 - Build Apple TV Apps
by Stephen DeStefano- 4.4
11 hours on-demand video
Use GCD (Grand Central Dispatch) to move to and from the main thread...
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Learn iOS8 and Swift App Programming
by EDUmobile Academy- 4.2
15 hours on-demand video
Section 8 – Simple threading using NSThread, more complex threading using operations and operation queues, and Grand Central Dispatch....